26 November 2014 London TO, The global authorities of - TopicsExpress


26 November 2014 London TO, The global authorities of Politics/ Military/Police/Administration/Other Relevant Forces/Home Office/Foreign Embassies or Consulates or High Commissions/Universities & Colleges and People of all walks of life across the world: SUBJECT: Dialogue among a foreign student and Immigration officers: 1) FIRST IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Can you please provide us with your statement of your first work after you arrived in UK as an international student in 2006? FOREIGN STUDENT: Well, my first job in 2006 was as a “waiter” for more than 03 months in “The Red Rose Restaurant” at 7 Buckland Avenue in Basingstoke (RG22). For the internet access, I can remember that I would use the local public library there during my stay then in Basingstoke. Payments were received cash by the owner on weekly basis. FIRST IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Thank you so much. 2) SECOND IMMIGRATION OFFICER: We have found that you used your NI (National Insurance) number as a part time worker for few months in 2007. FOREIGN STUDENT: Yes, it is. I actually got involved with such odd jobs to accumulate fees for my law degrees and the professional law course (BPTC) from this country. But I had to leave such odd jobs as I often needed to travel my country until the end of 2008 either being a guide of international admission tutors or an assistant for arranged spot admission events in 03 British Councils in Bangladesh on behalf of my offices partner colleges. There were arranged many spot admissions in my own running office in Dhaka and some renowned hotels, education fairs. I couldnt really avoid those travel schedules as advertisements on scheduled events would send prior to the renowned local dailies in Bangladesh for publication.The schedules would be prepared by my office in conjunction with our international partner institutes. I was totally responsible to control, monitor and handle my office as well as its employees over there even from London. My passport clearly shows the evidence how many times I made travel my country and how long I stayed. 3) SECOND IMMIGRATION OFFICER: What was the percentage rate of your commissions and how would you receive payments from your partner colleges? FOREIGN STUDENT: As the sole employer, I would directly receive commissions from the specific partner institutes based on my clients’ paid fees only (25%-30% for international recruited while 40%-50% for international but local recruited or recruited in UK). The mode of payments from business partners was either cash or bank cheques. But bank cheques were very few, and I would deposit both into my personal or savings accounts because my visa status would not entitle me opening a business account in UK. 4) FIRST IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Can you please brief us in detail about what the nature of your such business was in your country? FOREIGN STUDENT: Well, Firstly: I was the sole employer of my established business in my country. The service of my business was mainly about the student representation on behalf of at least 25 partner global colleges and universities inclusive UK, USA, NewZealand, Ukraine, Cyprus etc. I ran my business for around 05 years while I employed a good number of employees for the total official work, spot admissions. My office took part in many education fairs in the country which were organized by the local event management companies. Secondly: I had a business agreement with a local “Translation and Notary Office” for having its service for my available clients. Most of my clients had been able of receiving required services from them in order to process the rest part of applications through my office before their final submission for visas. Thirdly: I also had business agreements with at least two “Immigration (OISC) Firms” in this country. These were for legal representations on behalf of my clients’ Appeals to AIT (Asylum & Immigration Tribunal). The appeals were for our applicants who were refused by ECOs (Entry Clearance Officers). I would randomly help draft on only paper based appeals for refused applicants and it was one of my premier incomes. It is because there would be a business contract for the total payments between my office and an appellant. Appellants would bear first the postal costs only. Besides, my company was set up partially for running an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) training center/ English Language center whereas I had to pay external tutors until I ran IELTS training program. Fourthly: I had multiple plans for opening a business of “Export & Import” but did not apply finally for its required license and much more. Expecting to run such a business, my office had collected some samples of 100% export oriented “garment stock clothes”. My staff members, later, marketed these to one of my known local shop on test how these overseas items of under garments could be sold for our prospective trade. I brought some garment samples in UK during my return for the same test and gave those to some local traders in our local community in Whitechapel. Some shopkeepers are still the witnesses who received my companys garment samples from me. And, I visited them quite often to notice whether they had been able to sell my companys garment items. 5) SECOND IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Did you ever work casually in this country with or under businessmen at your local community? FOREIGN STUDENT: Yes, I did. I was a casual assistant for collection on behalf of two different companies in E1. I actually spent a very few times with at least two native drivers of the food delivery vans of both companies. One of the two companies was a Cash & Carry on Whitechapel High Street in E1 which would import vegetables and dry fishes from Bangladesh and native countries like Burma/Myanmar. My jobs with those two companies were basically whenever I decided for assistance despite such work of mine was not officially counted because of the short length of work or my irregularities. But there was an account for me in their computer system which would show the balance of imported foods that I have taken out on my name to deliver into native shops around and how much later I deposited. I would be honored calling marketing manager by the directors of one company who also gave me 1000 business card on this title to please me on my request. I can significantly add you that I visited Canadian Embassy in London in 2007 to have a visit visa for 02 weeks. But my application for gaining visa was refused by its entry clearance officer saying it was a risk for him to allow me to go to Canada on a program. The reason behind the refusal was explained by him is that I was a student in UK despite my bank accounts showed then that I held enough money to travel Canada, which confirmed him that I was going Canada at least for job or any such purposes. In order to make my bank statements strong in finance by then, I would delay to deposit the above company that I collected from shops on delivered food items. I, therefore, deposited and withdrew money from my account on daily basis. In fact, I had a savings account in Sonali Bank at brick lane which I would use by then. Once, there was a big misunderstanding in 2007 among directors of the above Cash & Carry about my cash payments to a specific director who would favor me much in comparison with others. Their had been a number of personal meetings among them where I had to submit my own bank statement due to a request made by my favored director. I was called by other directors too who copied my statements by then. By the two directors of the Cash & Carry who were then engaged running an OISC firm and a private college, I was blamed of making money in conjunction with the favored director of the Cash & Carry. In fact, I had no favored director there as I was equal to all of them. The only matter was that the called favored director was on his managerial post in the business, who would stay on the till most of the times. Due to my commission basis casual job with the above Cash & Carry, I would prefer only on hot items which were mainly dry fishes and another item called locally ZARDA. On commission basis, I did work temporarily and very casually with two more similar companies at the same local community or in E1. Both companies would import a variety of foods from our native country or Myanmar. The foods would also be delivered on order basis if I had one for native shops. Another Cash & Carry is located at Shadwell. I would prefer few shops to deliver the remaining stock of this Cash & Carry before the expiry date of its foods. I quite often visit this Cash & Carry while I ,sometime, pose for photographs with its staff members there. On the similar commission basis, I worked very temporarily or whenever I wished to work on an order basis in an imported food company located at Cable Street in Shadwell- E1 led by my native countrys men. For a very few moments under this company, I was with a delivery driver for delivery and collection purposes likely on test. But later, I casually delivered its hot items of dry fishes and ZARDA if I was asked by a known shopkeeper. My name was in this companys system on commission basis casual worker as I would be credited by this company to take these food items out. I had to put money in my personal bank accounts as I did not visit the company everyday to balance or clear the outstanding on my name. For example: I was even absent from visiting the company for weeks or months. Because, my main job or business was on student representation with a good number of private colleges in UK and my undergraduate law studies while I had to travel my country quite randomly. 6) THIRD IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Can you please give us your statement about your average income from your business partners in UK between months of 2010 and 2011 as your bank accounts looked strong between these times? The similar reason is that you made no travel anywhere until 2013. FOREIGN STUDENT: Certainly! The TIER or point based system as the immigration’s new policy was actually inaugurated by the UK government in 2009. A good number of bogus private colleges were then suspended or revoked at a time by the government. A number of my partner colleges were also in the list of suspension and revocation. I worked then with those suspended/revoked partner colleges on commission basis by helping students for their re-admissions into other partner colleges.I did really receive a good commission from a number of colleges and even, shared or divided my gained commissions with specific directors of those suspended/revoked colleges. I had to buy gifts like shirts and others to please some of college directors so that they could find themselves considering me a reliable one. 7) FIRST IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Can you please give us some names of colleges from where you received payments between £2,500 and £5,000 & £5,000 and £10,000 for your references to admissions/re-admissions for both international and local–international students???? FOREIGN STUDENT: (For payments between £5,000 and £10,000); • BRIT College – for total 30 students • TCCOL (The Central College of London)- for total 24 students (For payments between £2,500 and £5,000); • St. George’s College- for 25 local & international students • BC College of North West London--- 150 offer letters of international students for two native student representatives named Mr Hanif (London) and Mr Khan (representative at native country). 8)FIRST IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Can you give us more names for the payments between £1,000 and £2,500???? FOREIGN STUDENT: Yes, of course. I) Whitechapel College is one of them. I had an existing civil defense for around 06 years against it into the County Court. I represented my defense by myself even in 2011 before the Circuit Judge at Clerkenwell & Shoreditch County Court. The defense case was, later, satisfied as we, both the parties, resolved the existing our matters outside the court. II) Ambassador College is the another. I referred some local-international but matured law students to this college whereas a referred student of mine named Mr Faisal was my public law tutor during my final year study in LEBC in 2011/2012. I held my continuous communications with its chief executive named Barrister Shawghatul Khan who would live with his family very close to me by then in Manor Park. Mr Khan was also a registered student at LEBC for his LLM course under London University. During my Manor Park stay, I visited many days/nights to see Shawghatul in his flat as I was quite close to him. 9) THIRD IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Can you please provide us at least three names of international or local student representatives whom you provided offer letters for their students from your agreed colleges or you worked with those representatives for receiving offer letters from their agreed colleges? FOREIGN STUDENT: Well, I worked with or for a good number of such stated agents in our local community. And among them, I can provide you names of three big agents whom I worked with. They are: • Mr Monwar (East London) who owns now a private college now behind East London Mosque. • Mr Ramzan (East London) whom I spoke for several times on my ways in Whitechapel in the last three/four months. • Mr Sabuj Khan (East London)- I do not have the communication with me for a long time but I had a very potential recording of our conversations in 2010. I had to call on 999 from the principals office of INTERLINK COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY in E15 in 2010. There were more than 05 native small/big agents with me who paid through me to our native director named Mr Russell. Mr Russell issued false offer/enrollment letters for our international students.And, I wrote to local MP Ms Lyn Brown by adding some of those forged letters who forwarded my letter inclusive the evidences to HOME OFFICE. I was then at 28 College Point in E14 4JL. A senior officer from HOME OFFICE replied me on this basis consoling the matter. Based on this matter, I had to call police on 999 after two guys from Whitechapel were calling me my above doors bell. Two white police officers entered into my room within 05 minutes who listened to me, and they spoke with their police center to let them know about the situation based on my statement. The younger police officer was saying, We send him to the court to say something over there. But the older and expert one was sharply looking at my eyes, and said NO, NO!. In front of the two police officers, I did receive a threatening call from a director of a private college located behind East London Mosque, who was saying that I was responsible for his known agents false papers for international students. He did not stop threatening me by then despite I made him counter threat saying I would hand over my handset to the Police Officers standing before me in my room. 10) FIRST IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Can you please name us at least two colleges where you faced problems with your student representation roles? Please let us also know in detail if you contacted us putting either your written complaints with evidences by yourself or through your local MP? FOREIGN STUDENT: • Interlink College of Technology (at E15): I received replies of consolations on my written complaints against this college from BAC (British Accreditation council) in 2010, and also from Home Office in 2010 through my local MP of E15 4JL . Before I sought help from local MP, I also contacted Police on behalf of a number of gathered student representatives claiming a criminal activity was committed by its director named Mr Russell. But the police officer over phone replied me saying it’s a civil matter for which police can’t get involved. The conversations between me and the police officer then listened to all representatives present at the College principals room because of using my phones loud speaker. • United College (at E1): The fake offer/enrollment letters for international students in 2010 were issued by this college. A number of meetings by native college directors were held then at another private college just behind East London Mosque in E1. These meetings were to resolve such criminal issues where a good number of agents/college directors from community were present too. But this college was finally revoked after its suspension by the Home Office authority. The crucial matter was that a director of the College behind East London Mosque was one of the directors of United College. They had their plotted people in this college who received financial benefits from United College due to a huge weaknesses of United College authorities. And, the director of Interlink College named Mr Russell also tactically gave us offer/enrollment letters from United College. 11) THIRD IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Did you receive or borrow financial support since 2006 from your family members as your tuition fees or other maintenance in this country? Can you please state us in detail???? FOREIGN STUDENT: Yes, of course. I can provide you a simple example of around £14,000 from my two brothers just in 2013. My brothers have international garment business. My elder brother made an online transfer of my professional course fees (£9,950) directly into my past universitys account while younger brother transferred (£4,000) into my current account as the cost of other maintenance. Both of them used their international business partners for those transfers. Banks in our country do not allow any bank transfer due to lack of legacies which is really a big problem for any sort of international business transaction. Moreover, I myself had 02 live student accounts in my countrys banks during my student visa here until 2013. I always used my student account to bring money from my country where my brother-in- law dealt his role as my nominee. 12) THIRD IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Did you send your such commissions into your countrys bank accounts from this country???? FOREIGN STUDENT: Yes, I did. It was because the saving rates into term deposits in this country were too small. But it was the double figure in our country for an FDR on a fixed duration. I, therefore, emphasized my countrys bank accounts for a fixed deposit. My money was dealt there by either my sisters or the concern bank manager. 13) FIRST IMMIGRATION OFFICER: We do understand that you had earlier term deposits and FDR (Fixed Deposit Rate)in this country and your native country respectively from your above stated sources of income. How much money are available to you at the moment for your tomorrow or your next life expenses? FOREIGN STUDENT: Yes, I hold no term deposit or FDR at the moment as I had to en-cash those for my fees and daily expenses here. I think I have only available amount of around £2,500+ in my current/savings accounts here; or I have to double check for a correct figure. I do not really know how I will lead my future life here. This is because I do not have rights to work here. I applied for further visa extension around 08 months ago claiming on my “human rights grounds” . But there is no news of my passport or application for a long time. I simply worked as a voluntary lawyer in different times into OISC/ Solicitor firms at my local community. I left such jobs after I felt uneasy there. 14) FIRST IMMIGRATION OFFICER: Do you intend working with us if we offer you for sharing your extensive ideas and experiences from your student representations following our overall maintenance of the immigration system? FOREIGN STUDENT If I wish to work with you for sharing my past ideas and experiences, a good number of native immigrants along with their wives and children on different categories must have to leave this country. My actions will be deemed as the correct punishment. This is simply because I know very well where the fundamental problems for those native immigrants are. To be honest with you; I, rather, don’t intend to work with your office as I don’t want to be a further target here by anyone. My School even worked against me in July 2012 while I raised my speech against their unlawful activities. Finally, it is easy to understand because I have been holding my plans to leave this country after I do complete my studies on the legal field. My plan is to establish my own political party into my native country while I will have the opportunity to practice myself for clients into the court for building my professional legal career. 15) FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD IMMIGRATION OFFICERS: Thank you very much for your nice interview today with us. FOREIGN STUDENT: Thank you too.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:41:59 +0000

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