26 Orphans Saying Kaddish - My rant on todays events in Israel - TopicsExpress


26 Orphans Saying Kaddish - My rant on todays events in Israel https://youtube/watch?v=ljb9Uw4YDxw#t=18 I have been sick to my stomach all day from when I first saw this alert on Algemeiner in my morning email... trying to process... trying and trying... and I am still left speechless. The magnitude of the sickening is beyond... in some ways this is worse than rockets (how can we split hairs when talking about terror against our people??!!) as this is hand to hand combat... the chutzpa to walk right in the face of a Jews and slaughter like sheep... I dont want to get political, I dont want to find peace, I dont want to offer words of comfort and courage... I just want to cry. Imagine, these people went to shul to DAVEN TO HASHEM in the morning, and now there are 4 widows and twenty four orphans.... may Hashem avenge their blood... For what? Why? Because Israel is doing what wrong? Tell me? What on earth justifies this incredible hate? (The irony... in my sermon last Shabbat I spoke about he life lessons to be learned from the 12 princes of Yishmoel, the repentant ancestor of these animals... clearly the rest of the family didnt get the message... that their cousin Yitzchok, ancestor of the Jews is the one to lead... hashem yishmor) Why am I getting tired of saying, lets battle darkness with light? Unless... Unless, the definition of light is strength too! I apologize in advance of this rant.... and feel free to skip and move on... The one absolute that has been clear since the birth of the Modern State of Israel... and frankly since the beginning of time, is that people respect strength. They fear it, respect it and dont mess with it. When Israel enforces the law and security, the neighboring Arabs respect them and dont fight. Ive been to Israel many times... and I marvel how when going to the Kotel in the Old City of Jerusalem, each time, you get a different update if it is safe to go to the wall via the Arab quarter or not. When the locals are afraid to mess, it is safe, when they are cocky and unafraid they attack. And attack they did today. In Israel, they are debating the old system of destroying the homes of those who perpetrate terror attacks if this is legal and humane. I say it is both legal and humane and an excellent deterrent. I like the system of limiting the amount of people allowed at the funeral of a terrorist to 20 or 30 or the families dont get their bodies back for burial. I like something I read, that if your child perpetrates an attack, your ISRAELI JEWISH GOVT Subsidies (read food stamps) come to an end. It is time to stop being afraid to speak the truth. If this isnt nipped now, the 3rd intifada will have already have begun. Im tired of the moral equivalency... seriously, ... there has been too much death on both the Israeli side and the Palestinian side... spoken by our leaders? Really, as if the death on both sides can be compared, Sure there has has been too much death on both sides, but how do you compare death of defending yourselves, and the painful efforts made to minimize it and apologies when it happens and investigations when it does happen, the murderous blood lust death, caused on with the goal of maiming and killing and killing not just people but killing any hopes for peace? What do they want? עוד יבוא שלום עלינו ...
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 01:51:47 +0000

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