260,000 Net migration into the UK and only 40,000 new homes built - TopicsExpress


260,000 Net migration into the UK and only 40,000 new homes built in the same time frame, 3 new schools opened, zero growth in NHS beds, doctors ect. 100,000 new zero hour contract jobs (Should be named job share without the benefits of holiday and sick pay), 5,000 full time jobs, 20,000 apprenticeships. Just the numbers themselves do not add up to being somewhere near of a balance. Its total madness to continue with open door immigration because for the simple reason the country can not keep up the the demand for services, homes, school places and even jobs. The Lib/Lab/Con are so desperate to cling onto the EU model that they are trying to hoodwink the nation that they can curb immigration by cutting the in work benefits to migrants. First the EU is already getting their legal team ready to force this not to happen on the grounds of fairness of equality for member state nationals on benefits, note that I said member state nationals because the EU views all the people of the EU belonging to the new federal country of the EU and the countries that make up the EU are nothing more than member states. The second part is economies of scale, just a weeks wage here in the UK is equal to a full months wage in for arguments sake only and as an example, Bulgaria. So dont be hoodwinked into thinking that by curbing the in work benefits it will stem the flow in any way what so ever as it will not and the reason for that is this. Nobody is disputing that a large proportion of migrants/immigrants are coming to work, but what is in dispute is the rate of which they are coming. UKIPs message has never changed as in it wants this country to be able to offer a far better life as in what is in peoples pockets at the end of the week and having a balance and that is not only for UK nationals but also the Immigrants/migrants as well. Let me explain how. By controlling the borders we can slowly over time get back to putting the onus of wages back to where they fully belong on the employers by slowly forcing the need for them to actually take on full time employees as the oversupply in workforce dries up. When this starts to happen you will also start to see wages rise up also as the need to keep the workforce they have will become more paramount or see them move to a competitor whom is offering a better wage for the same job. Also once this starts to happen you will see a steady drop in the demand for in work benefits, as the wages will slowly rise to the point where the need for in work benefits is no longer needed, thus easing the strain on central government funding. Meaning there would be more money available to go towards the the services like that NHS and schools for example, plus added to that a huge drop in borrowing, one could even go so far to say actually start paying of that debt and not just the interest only payments we are currently making. It is at that point where the onus of controlling that balance moves on to central government which can then control the flow of immigrant/migrant workers to the country like one does with a tap when filling a toilet that has a timed flush cycle, where the trick is not to let the toilet overflow from the top but to have a nice balance with an equal flow. And that is where this country needs to head to achieving this balance and the only way that is possible is out of the EU and into free trade agreements with all the nations of the world and not just a small pocket of the world that is about to go into cardiac arrest.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 07:19:03 +0000

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