27/07/14 After Action Report Brenchley. Well that was a hectic - TopicsExpress


27/07/14 After Action Report Brenchley. Well that was a hectic day with a packed house, hot & humid weather, the artillery, lots of booms, a couple of Transformers and a whole host of bb blazing firefights. First up was a fun one where Megatron and Bumblebee teamed up with the Marshals to go against the Red & Yellow bounty hunters looking to exterminate the poor Transformers and steal their 4 power discs. Both teams were a little hesitant getting to the second field where the Transformers were dug in and you cant blame them. The Red team encountered a big BOOM! as they approached the Sangar before coming under heavy M60 fire. The Yellows encountered similar resistance as they pushed towards the Prison and Guardhouse, meeting repeated flashes, bangs and coming under more heavy fire. Eventually, a plan emerged from the Reds to suppress the defenders whilst a lone runner charged in to eliminate the first line of defence and then moved on to take Megatrons head although a failure to kill him off resulted in him returning to the battle to wreak more havoc before finally being disarmed. Meanwhile Bumblebee decided a tactical withdrawal to the woods was in order as the open ground was lost. The intense battle in the woods held out for ages with Bumblebee finally losing his head but once again wasnt disarmed and along with 2 compatriots they held their position until the end defending the final power disc from the human invasion forces. The Reds collected an impressive list of booty consisting of 2 heads, 1 weapon and 3 power discs whereas a total failure by the Yellows left them with nothing. This left Reds with 500pts and Yellows with 0pts. The Reds dominated again in Wipeout, quickly securing field 1 and dominating field 2. Despite melee attacks causing them to lose positions they held on to finish the game with 4 flags versus the Yellows 2. This left the Reds with 400pts and the Yellows with 200pts. Next up was an Evac mission where a rescue team had to stretcher a legless dummy to the Land Rover whilst under fire from rebel forces. Yellows were first to attempt this and both teams charged the first staging point at the off. The Reds took the advantage to hold off the Yellows from taking their regen point and both sides dug in for the long haul. The first melee attack saw the Yellows get close to raising their flag but they just couldnt manage it in time before the Reds took the advantage again. It took the Yellows another 2 melee attacks to finally gain the ground but this left them with less than 10m on the clock to complete the mission. To their credit the stretcher force made speedy progress towards the Land Rover but in the end didnt quite make it to the evac point before the whistle blew. This left both teams with 0pts Then it was the turn of the Reds and they had a cunning plan - which didnt quite work as planned! First up they failed to approach the regen before the Yellows had charged into position and got well dug in. Then, when the first melee attack happened they took the position but the flag courier was no where to be found. Then on another melee attack they charged the position with their stretcher team only to lose out and leave the stretcher with the Yellows who promptly took control and secured it at their holding point. The Reds finally took their forward regen but by this point they had little time left and the Yellows had formed a strong perimeter. This left the Reds with 0pts and the Yellows with 200pts. The final session had the Reds up first in Bombardment where they had to secure their flag from Monte Cassino so they could move their artillery piece into position in field 2, collecting their ammunition from the Ambulance along the way. Both Monte and the Ambulance fell fairly quickly and the Reds had the artillery in position with fairly minimal resistance to start shelling the 3 required bases. their first target was the container which was also the furthest away. Numerous round rained down all around the area but they couldnt quite dial in the correct settings to hit the spot. The Yellows put up a strong defence and kept he invaders busy until they finally got one on target. After that the Doorway and Area 42 fell surprisingly quickly leaving the Reds the job to mop up the Yellow forces. With only 5 minutes to go it looked good for the Yellows but a determined sweep by the Reds saw their forces quickly reduced. With 7s left on the clock the final Yellow was taken out. This left the Reds with 200pts for destroying the base and a 100pt bonus for wiping out the Yellows. The final game saw the Yellows tasked with the Nuke It game where they had to collect the laptop and operator from Monte and the Ambulance before getting them to the Guardhouse to call in an evac helo before the self destruct initiated. Just like the Reds, the Yellows made pretty quick work of the advancing through the defence and it wasnt long before the team were preparing to make for the Guardhouse. The Reds had positioned a heavy defence in light of this and despite a determined attack the Yellows couldnt get through before the self destruct blew them all to the other side to leave both teams with a zero score from this one. The battles were intense and the bodycount was high and both sides had a share of the glory and a share of the blunders. The final scores were Reds on 1200pts and Yellows on 400pts. The Yellows may have lost on points but they can still be proud of their complete control of the Reds in their evac mission. Were at Pembury on Sunday 3rd August for some Missions and then on Tuesday 5th August were at Brenchley for the evening pistols and shotties before being back at Brenchley for some more skirmish fun and games on Sunday 24th August. B->
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:15:00 +0000

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