27... EMENDWENI.. Yoh angikaze ngibuzwe ubuhlungu obunjena, - TopicsExpress


27... EMENDWENI.. Yoh angikaze ngibuzwe ubuhlungu obunjena, why me? Ngenzeni engaka? I guess I deserve after ukuzwisa uportia ubuhlungu obungaka.. Av never experienced such in my life,, @ this age wooaaahhh aii imani.. I forgot about leslima uMandla, I didnt reply ama texts wakhe or something nje lomtana uzambona Sunday.. I didnt talk to Nhlo after he left so I felt ukuthi I must check up on him so I called the guy shame. *rings* Nhlo:Lindi Me: hi unjani? Nhlo: am coping I went to see the doctor he says its not as bad as he thought so am keeping my fingers crossed for my next check up Me: wow syabonga sthandwa sam Nhlo: wooahh Lindi did u just say sthandwa sam Me: eishh ngyaxolisa mahnn meant Nhlonipho *eishh naye lo akaboni ukuthi am in2 him kancane* Nhlo: haha can I call u in an hour ? Me: aii kukahle ke Nhlo; ok dear *wavala ucingo* You know I was starting to feel for lobhuti mahnn kunini engebekezelela? Its been a year few months akakhathali? Ai mahnn yindoda lena yaz. I was so scared ngale decision but I really needed to talk to my mom. Mnqobi was sleeping so he gave me time ukuthi ngikgulume noMah.. So i went to the dining room ngyokhuluma naye, its either now or never.. Me: hey mama Mom: uhmm uRight uMnqobi? Me: yeaa u right, eish av got something to tell u kodwa please dont jugde me Mom: iyoo sounds hectic uhmmm am listening. Me: eishh ngeke ngisakwazi ukubuyelana noMandla ever! Mom: uhmm I understand Me: yes and. Khona umuntu ofisa ukuba empilweni yam Mom: ai ai ai its too early lindiwe No Me: aii mama kudala sazana yaz, a year ago ngingaka mithi ngisho ukumitha, n mina noMandla we were having problems by then, saze sabuyelana he didnt give up on me, he heard ukuthi ngishadile wangihalalisela azange angiphoqe ukuthi ngihlukane noMandla.. Ulungile Mama ngenye indlela, yena unengane eyodwa, akanamuntu Mama: yohh lindiwe Me: yebo, he wants to buy me a house, khona useyithengile e needs my signature n Id nje kphela. Mama: yohh lindiwe udobhaphi lomuntu Me: sahlangana kwi braai ngihambe noSbosh Mama: iyohh wumuntu wakudala ke lo. Me: yebo,, ngyafisa ukumupha ithuba kodwa I want things to go nge pase yami Mama: yena uthini ngalokho Me: his willing to do anything engiyifunayo Mama: yohh.. Aii uyamndinga umuntu wakho yaz uwedwa VHO!! It always feels good mahnn Cc mina I support you coz aii ubuya ebunzimeni, nalo portia angagzina ekubulala ngenxa yaka Mandla, igama lakhe? Me: Nhlonipho Mama: uhmm kyasho ukuthi uyalilandela igama lakhe Me: thank u mama (Mnqobi cries) wuu awuthi ngyombheka.. I went to the room ngamnika ibhodlela, aii naye his only 1month 3weeks but ngathi akasuthi wuBisi I think ngizamfaka iNestum.. Nhlonipho calls. Me: hey Nhlo: love u right Me: yes am ok Nhlo: hows the baby? Me: ngi right, I just told my mom about you, I didnt tell her about the cancer thing ngoba ngyazi ukuthi uzophola nhlonipho. Nhlo: thank u Lindi, you and your baby are the reason why am fighting this well our baby Me: *laughs* weee bazakubulala we Nhlo Nhlo; its he truth I will be the acting father mandla is just the biological father nje kphela. Me: *laughs* wuuuu aii cha uyazizwa mahnn Nhlo: ai mahnn *laughs* lemme go back to work al come see u tomorrow if ur ok with it Me: its ok nhlo.. Later Nhlo: ok love.. Uhmmm am falling inlove nalobhuthi.. 1st thing in the morning ngizoya ngyomikisa uMnqobi 4 2hours or an hour then ngibuye ngizolinda iThembalami :)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 18:55:11 +0000

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