27 years ago at this moment I was doing my hair and makeup in a - TopicsExpress


27 years ago at this moment I was doing my hair and makeup in a Sunday School room at Pleasantview Baptist Church. Why? Because I was preparing to walk down the aisle to marry the most wonderful man in the world. At precisely 1:55pm - my dad and I stood at the back of the church ready to go. I took a deep breath, looked at my dad and said - I cant do this. Ive changed my mind. My dad looked at me and said - Oh no you havent! Lets go! and he started walking and pulling me a few steps. But then, I looked up. I saw that wonderful man at the end of the long aisle, his eyes shining so brightly and his beautiful mustached smile across his face. Instantly, my nervousness, fears and doubts disappeared. I smiled and practically beat my dad down the aisle. I married the man of my dreams and in my dreams that day. In 27 years he has put up with my moods,my fickleness, illness and hopefully some good in there. I will honestly say that I have not always felt in love with him. Sadly, I told him and it hurt him deeply. But, he always replied - I told you I wasnt leaving. So, if you go Im following. Boy, am I glad he never gave up on me. Steve McCoy is the most loving, giving, selfless, humble, kind, godly man I have ever met. He obeys the Lord to a fault, he prays for each of us daily, leads us with gentleness and loves us with his whole life. I prayed for a man like this since I was 12 years old. God blessed me in spite of not being what Steve deserved. I will say that Steve says otherwise. He does lift me up and I know hes thankful for me. I love him with everything in me and feel like the most blessed and undeserving person in the world because of his love and how he has lived his life. The bible says that a husband should love his wife like Christ loves the church. Christ laid down his life for his church and I can tell you without a doubt my husband has and will continue to do that for me. Why am I letting this all out on FB? Because there are so many young ladies looking for someone to love them. They just want SOMEONE. I was one of those someones back so long ago. Its so very difficult when you dont get that love from your daddy. But, staying true to what you DESERVE will pay off. There are still men out there that are like this. There are men that will work, treat you with love and respect and give you the world. Hold out for it! Dont settle. Imagine and dream about what you want your life to look like. Then really truly look at the boy or man you are dating or living with or sleeping with and ask yourself - will he give me that? Can I really build what I want with HIM? If the answer is no, then get out of that relationship and do something about it. Dont think you can change him.- you cant. Finding a life partner is no time to play missionary. Just sayin So, there it is. Thanks for reading if you did this far. I just wanted to express how much I absolutely adore and love my husband and to tell you all it IS worth waiting for! How do I know there are more out there? Because my son-in-love (SIL) is one of these kinds of men and so is my son (both taken already but there are still more) You just need to look in the RIGHT place. Seek and ask the Lord for guidance. He will give it and grant it!
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 18:33:23 +0000

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