28/8/2014. Jay Shri Krishna Yesterday we were thinking that man - TopicsExpress


28/8/2014. Jay Shri Krishna Yesterday we were thinking that man is total sum of opinions that others have for him. This need to be understood. Question arises why a person accepts himself as an entity that others have carved him to be? The answer is, this is purely a commercial bargaining. How?Let us try to understand. Person wants recognition and acceptance by the society. Person wants that society must accept him as a man of importance. In depth he feels himself imperfect without the recognition of society. He has no absolute value for himself. He in depth doesn’t feel that his evaluation doesn’t depend upon outer things and subjects. Parmatma has gifted him treasure of inner values wrapped in gift packages when he was born, but he has not taken trouble and care to open and see the gifts. So he has no idea of his inner values. And it is crave for everybody that he wants to be a great man of importance. And to become that great man of importance, he must have something to boast upon. So he goes to society to beg from it the recognition as a man of importance. And here the bargaining takes place. Society imposes upon him several restrictions. He can’t drink wine, he can’t walk naked, he can’t have relations with women, (with men if woman is there), he can’t dance in open in the midnight, and many more. If he accepts and obeys, or at least makes show that he has obeyed or accepted all these restrictions without murmur, then society will give him an opinion that you have a civic sense. You earned one characteristic. If you missed something somewhere, then society will pass censors against you, and you will feel crippled. And thus you compromise on many folds to earn many more characteristics. Parmatma created you as a unique person. He gave you recognition as a unique person and nature also accepted you as a unique person. But you mortgaged that uniqueness to society and you bought the mask from the society and worn it on your face. You have worn so many masks one upon the other. You have worn so many masks that you have turned beyond recognition which one is true. It is not possible for even you to say certainly which one of you is genuine. Again let it be cleared that essentially and basically you have remained same unique person as far as Parmatma is concerned. By wearing masks you can’t cheat the nature, Parmatma. You are same unique for nature and Existence. You can’t relinquish that uniqueness bestowed upon you by Parmatma. At the most you can wear the mask. It is your misbelieve that you have become a different man or a man of importance, but for Parmatma you are same innocent boy, as parents are generally taking their son even though he has become Prime Minister or a nation. It is your sheer foolishness that you volunteered to relinquish the uniqueness in lieu of so called acceptance and recognition from society. Now let us think about society. Society is built by the community of individuals. And every individual is begging acceptance and recognition from every other individual. It means a beggar is begging from the other beggar. What a pitiful situation you have landed in by your imprudent torts. This is like a dog chewing the bone and injuring the part inside its cheek, resulting in bleeding and dog taking it as the secretion from bone and sucking it deliciously, and indulging in vicious cycle. You are not consuming the subjects, but subjects are consuming you. Your all restleeness and depressions are the direct result of these your multiple personalities. Whom do you want to cheat? None other than yourself, obviously. Now enough is enough. You have done great and long drama. Now come on ground and be realistic. Try to see that your values are no way dependent on outer forces be they persons or things. You are unique and the most precious gem of Parmatma. You are perfect as you are. You need not wander outside for you peace and your contentment. You are self-sufficient since your birth. It was just your ignorance that you had not checked the gift packages gifted by Parmatma. But now you have opened them and found that he has given you enough. No need to beg from beggars. And what beggars can deliver you? You are ok as you are. You are unique and that is enough to boast upon, to brand you as a man of great importance. You need not recognition from outer agency. You are the best judge to evaluate yourself. When death approaches, only your evaluation will stand test of time. All other evaluations, fake and hollow are to be blown away. Throw away mercilessly the masks society has lent to you. Be original as Parmatma wants you to be. Your knowing mask as mask and relinquishing it and visualizing the inner original you as a genuine you is the realisation, enlightenment. May God bless you.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 04:02:29 +0000

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