28 MAGICAL PRACTICES: MAGIC DAY 20 – HEART MAGIC ***************************************** “Gratitude is the memory of the heart.”-Jean-Baptiste Massieu We are practicing gratitude to create magic in our life. The more gratitude we feel from within, we can create the greater magic on the outer world. Today’s magic practice is about taking gratitude to a new higher level where everything start becoming magical at super fast. The best part of Today’s practice is about how to feel immense joy while giving gratitude. Most of the time I heard people saying we are doing magic practice and gratitude but not feeling it. I must say today’s practice will teach you something that change this feeling forever. It opens up a key that take you to the level of magical being. Today’s The Heart Magic practice is designed to powerfully increase the depths that you feel gratitude by focusing your mind on the area of your heart as you say and feel the magical words THANK YOU. Scientific research has shown that by focusing on your heart as you feel gratitude, the rhythm of your heart immediately becomes much more even and harmonious, resulting in major improvements to your immune system and health. That gives you an idea of the power of Heart Magic. Initially you may find it difficult to concentrate on your heart while saying thank you but It takes a little practice the first time you try it, however it is worth your effort. After a few times you will get it and each time you practice it your feeling of gratitude will increase exponentially. To practice Heart Magic, focus your mind and your attention on the area around your heart. It doesn’t matter if you focus on the inside or the outside of your body. Close your eyes, because it will make it easier and while keeping your mind focused on your heart, mentally say the magic words thank you. Once you’ve practiced it a few times, you won’t need to close your eyes anymore, but as a general rule, you will feel more gratitude when you close your eyes. There are several things you can do to help you get Heart Magic down really quickly. You can put your right hand on the area around your heart to keep your mind focused there while you say the magic words, thank you. Or you can imagine that the magic words thank you are coming out of your heart rather than your mind as you say them. As part of today’s magical practice, take your Top Ten Desire List and practice Heart Magic on each desire. Read each desire in your mind or out loud, and when you get to the end of reading each one, close your eyes, focus your mind on the area around your heart, keep your mind on your heart area, and say the magic words again, thank you, slowly. After you have finished Heart Magic on each of your desires, you will have not only increased the depth of gratitude you are able to reach, you will also have dramatically increased your gratitude for your top desires. You can continue to practice Heart Magic on your desires regularly if you want to speed up the receiving of them or you can use Heart Magic any time you say the magic words, thank you. Even just using Heart Magic a couple of times a day will have a big effect on your happiness and on the magic in your life. Once you have practiced Heart Magic a few times you will feel a huge increase in the depth of your feeling, and with gratitude it’s all about the depth of the feeling, because the deeper the feeling the greater the abundance you will receive. The initial physical signs that you’ve increased the depth of your feeling could be that you get a tingling feeling around your heart, or feel a wave of joy rush through your body. Your eyes may fill with tears, or you may get goose bumps. But without exception, you will begin to feel depth of peace and happiness you’ve never felt before! Remember GRATITUDE is the key to true happiness and unlimited Abundance. MAGIC PRACTICE STEPS: Repeat the Magic MAGIC DAY 1 Practice of Counting 10 Blessing with reason why you are grateful for and reread you 10 Blessings saying Thank You 3 Times after each one. DO this as the first thing in the morning or whenever you get time. Focus your mind and your attention on the area around your heart. Close your eyes, and while keeping your mind focused on your heart, mentally say the magic words, thank you. Take your Top Ten Desire List and practice Heart Magic by reading each desire, then closing your eyes, focusing your mind on the area around your heart, and slowly saying thank you, again. Do the Magic Rock Practice as per Magic Day 2 Practice when you go to bed at night review through all the good moments of the day holding the Magic Rock in your hand and then choose the best moment and say THANK YOU. AJ’s AWESOME ACTION TIPS: As your learn heart magic today use it as a miraculous to reduce stress, worry or fear. If you get easily fearful or stressful then use this practice more often and you will be surprise how easily you achieve the transformation of peace and strength in your heart. If you are doing magic practice but always have the thought that your are not feeling gratitude while counting blessings or saying Thank You , then your answer is here, this magic practice is guiding you to achieve that. Enjoy it to fullest. If you know someone in your family and friends having health issues or facing challenges of hyper tension or depression, ask then to practice this single Heart Magic practice and this will restore peace, vitality and strength in them and magical heal them super fast. Keep spreading the magical power of heart. That’s all my friends. Let’s bring the Magic of Unlimited Joy to our life. Infinite Gratitude to our Awesome Universe. Have an Abundantly MAGICAL Day. Awesome AJ Read and Share from my blog : awesomeaj/2013/08/28/28-magical-practices-magic-day-20-heart-magic-2/
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 03:09:56 +0000

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