28th September How do I Know?-Part 3 Galatians 3:3 …. - TopicsExpress


28th September How do I Know?-Part 3 Galatians 3:3 …. After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? The Galatians were striving to be justified by works of the law, and yet they were quarreling and in danger of devouring one another. Twelve expressions indicate their lack of love, such as envy, jealousy, bitterness, and strife. They tried to serve God in their own strength and they failed utterly. The power of sin got the better of them. Like the Galatians many of us have forgotten that “it is not by might, but by the Spirit of the Lord”. There is a complaint everywhere in the Christian church of the lack of a high standard of integrity. In the homes of Christians there is unlovingness and temper and sharpness and bitterness, and among members of churches there is envy and jealousy and sensitiveness and pride and we are compelled to say: Where are marks of the presence of the Spirit of the Lamb of God? Many people speak of these things as though they were the natural result of our feebleness and cannot be helped. Many people speak of these things as sins, yet they have given up the hope of conquering them. There is no prospect until there comes a radical change, until the church of God begins to see that every sin in the believer comes from the flesh, from a carnal life amidst our religious activities, from a striving in self-effort to serve God. Until we learn to somehow or other get Gods Spirit in power back to His church, we usually will fail. If we believe that God is going to have mercy on His church in these last ages, it will be because the doctrine and the truth about the Holy Spirit will not only be studied but sought after with a whole heart; and not only because that truth will be sought after, but because ministers and congregations will be found bowing before God in deep abasement with one cry; We have grieved Gods Spirit; we have tried to be Christian churches with as little as possible of Gods Spirit; we have not sought to be churches filled with the Holy Spirit. All the feebleness in the church is owing to its refusal to led by the Holy Spirit….. (to be continued). # SWEET BREATH DEVOTION #
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:20:11 +0000

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