28th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year A We are a people of promise, - TopicsExpress


28th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year A We are a people of promise, hope and expectation. We look up to the future with confidence, particularly after a sad and turbulent moment in history. Our readings today radiate joy and happiness. The theme of banquet links the first reading and the Gospel. A glorious destiny is projected for the people of Israel and for us. On the mountain of the Lord, their story will change and prosperity will be their portion. Death will be swallowed up for forever. Their painful story of misery will be a thing of the past. To his beloved community at Philippi, Paul underlines the fact that his mission is made possible through God who strengthens him. How often we quote this passage, Phil. 4,13, The apostle thrives because the Lord leads his life. The generous Philippi believers can do the same. In the gospel, Jesus addresses the chief priests and elders of the people once again. Most likely, this parable engages them to review their attitudes. The invitees at the wedding feast of the king failed to turn up even when everything was set. While they went about their business and declined the invitation, some seized the servants, treated them shamefully and killed them. The king anger boils on them. He sent his troops to destroy the murderers. The invitation was then addressed to all. As the party swings on the king comes around to look at the guests and one was thrown out because he had no wedding garment. This action has puzzled many. It baffles me too. How can the king throw out a man without a wedding garment in a free for all party. Today we are remnded to reexamine our call and standing with God, and most importantly, our responsibility in responding to our Christian vocation, The call is free but the wedding garment is required. We will be evaluated in the end. Remember that to enter the kingdom or be allowed to stay in the banquet, you have to play your part, to act according to the rules of the game, to embrace the challenges of the call. Self-righteouness, pride and arrogance are red lignts that signal danger ahead. Reassess your level of commitment to God amd humanity today, be sober.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 03:56:55 +0000

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