29. AUGUST 2014 PREPARATIONS FOR THE FINAL EVENT, BABAJI channeled by Jahn J Kassl translated by Franz You are the Guardians of the Galaxy! Beloved Ones, Ascension means the greatest effort for all, who are participating in it. Ascension means the greatest happiness for all, who will see God at the end of the day and will recognize themselves as what they are. „Disruption“ of the Galaxies The ascension of earth and human Beings, who are ready for it, reaches a new dimension. Meaning that now the galaxy, all heavenly bodies and all living Beings in these worlds, wherein this earth was and still is embedded, will be attuned to the fine and final dynamic, will be prepared for it and will be made familiar with their specific assignments for the “disruption of the galaxies”. The earth has been and remains the center of the ascension, whereupon the designated light warriors experience themselves as a consciousness with all their soul aspects. The work has essentially been done on the earths; the holograms stand ready and continue to be created, the decisions have been made and everything flows now irresistibly like an undertow toward the discharges. This demands your patience, certainly, because the awareness of space-time requires it; yet what happens now is irreversible, eternally. Ascension Test Runs, why? In these days for some ascending ones, “ascension test runs” take place. This is for two reasons and obeys the following necessities: 1.) In order to be attuned to the ascension vibration oneselves. 2.) In order to train and introduce your siblings from the Light into the upcoming processes. As light warriors of the first rank you have ascended to Creator Gods and thereby tantamount to guardians of this and now newly created galaxies. And you function as those already today, on the eve of the pioneering events, whereby some human Beings communicate with different galactic levels in your dreams, also some human Beings in the waking condition, and foremost during the experience of the ascension, wherefrom you return again. You do this in order to exactly determine the ultimate procedures. Scepter of a Creator God The assignments of the ascended ones and the ascending ones begin to shift and to expand. Affected are all human Beings – and they are few – those, who have been handed the scepter of a Creator God. This is a significant aspect to be experienced today, so that further events and your position therein can be put into the applicable context, and during your return into the Light you may be able to dissolve all reservations about several delays or the seeming postponement of the ascension. The ascension in its final phase was determined in this manner and was also predictable, even though, during the decision process of mankind sometimes a great confusion seemed to exist, because constant reorientations had to follow. It is also important to know that the quality of the ascending ones affected this expansion of your assignments and that it was and is yourselves, who on a soul level have immediately given the permission for this expansion; and in the knowledge that thereby your own holistic ascension will again be experienced as a “delay” on the space-time level. Everything occurs! Nothing of what has been said to you is cancelled, everything happens, all occurs. Also what has not happened in your visible world will happen or has already happened. Because, as has already been announced repeatedly, levels and realities were repeatedly created for it. For you, who are sick and tired of the wait for the planetary and individual ascension, this knowledge is of immense significance. The actual greatness as a multi-dimensional Being and the omnipresent expansion of your awareness is proverbial, and this is reflected in your assignments in this space-time world in a unique manner. Guardians of the Galaxy Before the new galaxy will take its fixed place in the infinity of Creation, due to the ascension of this earth, the present and future ascended Masters will prepare all galactic forces and heavenly powers of this galactic unity for the “final event”. It is you, in a leading role, who enable this ascension; you were handed the “scepter of ascension” on all relevant levels for it and you are: the guardians of the galaxy. In infinite Love I was and I am at all times with each one of you, until Eternity; you are sons and daughters of man, honored beyond all measures. I am BABAJI The light world publishing and the author do not lead any correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages published on this website. Additional messages and articles regarding current events in: stankovuniversallaw/ Hyperlink inactive because the light world publishing refrains from any direct links. Please copy and activate the link in order to access this page. Final Alignment of the Planetary Ascension - SANANDA: lichtweltverlag.blogspot.co.at/2014/08/final-alignment-of-planetary-ascension.html
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 03:09:51 +0000

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