29 NOV 2014 EMAIL CAMPAIGN TO ALL 650 MPS ON IMMIGRATION AND MIGRATION. Dear , (MPs name is automatically inserted here) On Question Time this morning the Labour Party Shadow Business Secretary Chuka Harrison Umunna praised the Labour Parties stance on immigration and migration. He went on to cite several cases where immigrants and migrants were supposed to have benefited our country. His focal argument was that the NHS would not be able to operate without immigrants and migrants. This man is either totally biased because he is a son of an immigrant or he is absolutely stupid and unfit for purpose as an MP and potential leader of our country. Logically speaking, Britain does need foreigners to supplement our workforce in areas where there are temporary shortages of skilled labour. However, the government needs to use the right tools to do the job. Immigration and migration are tools that are primarily designed to benefit the Immigrants and Migrants and not the British people. The right tool to use to solve the temporary skills shortage is a system of short term CONTRACT LABOUR. This tool allows the government to provide sufficient support for the businesses in areas of skill shortages. While at the same time allows the government to put in place education and training programs to bring our own people up to speed in these critical areas. The main problem with Immigration and Migration is that these people undercut the British people’s wages and ultimately become a permanent workforce. This means, the education and training programs put in place by the government will ultimately fail. This is because by the time a British person has undergone the education and training, the job is no longer there for him or her to do. Ultimately what the government is doing is changing the status of the unemployed from unskilled unemployed to skilled unemployed. A further problem with immigration and permanent migration is in relation to those peoples families. Unlike contract workers, immigrants and migrants benefit from being able to claim benefits for their families living overseas. This is a ludicrous state of affairs. Is the DHSS, SS and NHS British institutions or are they a free for all for the rest of the world’s populations. If one foreigner successfully gains immigrant or migrant status, effectively, the country is giving a right of access and support for him and his extended family, father, mother, brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces and then the extended family including uncles and aunts and all of their families. Can you people in power even conceive how expensively stupid this system is. Using a system of Contract Workers takes all of these issues off of the government and places the responsibilities firmly on the shoulders of the employers that encourage them to come here. If a company issues a contract to a contract worker there is no problem. Within that contract there should be clauses covering housing, healthcare, private education of siblings and a responsibility to ensure that when the contract ends, the contracted people and their families leave the country. It should also be the responsibility of these contracting companies to inform the governments border agency that their contracts are over and the people concerned have in fact left the country. Obviously, failure to ensure that the above has been carried out should attract severe penalties. You people in power really do need to stop having a short term perspective when it comes to the issue of population control. I have followed the issue of humanoid robotisation for many years and as an educated and trained business strategist can assure you that they are going to produce massive global unemployment. My argument is very simple. You and I own two competing businesses employing say 100,000 people for arguments sake. We produce exactly the same product and have exactly the same wage cost. Toyota or one or more companies in the humanoid robot race go into mass production. The leasing cost of a deducted humanoid robot comes down to less than the total cost of employing five workers. It takes five workers to run one job 24/7. OK, I decide to sack my workforce and take on 100.000 humanoid robots. Because of economies of scale I get a massive reduction in my leasing arrangements. Let’s assume for arguments sake that there are no significant teething problems. WHAT MUST YOU DO AS MY NUMBER ONE COMPETITOR IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN BUSINESS? Exactly, you must do the same as I have done. Now I know that politicians can be as corrupt as hell, but I am absolutely sure they are not stupid and do have the ability to extrapolate the above across every industry in the world. Ultimately, there is going to be mass unemployment in every country in the world especially as the leasing cost of humanoid robots tumble due to economies of scale and advances in mass production. e.g. humanoid robots designing and manufacturing even better humanoid robots. HERE IS THE CRUX OF THE ISSUE Once this happens, and it will, just consider the speed of advances in computers and mobile phones as an example. Britian is going to be left with millions of immigrant and migrants and their extended families from all around the world who have absolutely no chance of getting a job. This means, these people will ultimately become a burden on the countries benefits system. From the conservative super rich perspective. We are going to end up in a ludicrous position where robotised companies in every industry are producing products and services for profit. However, the government have no choice but to heavily tax those profits at around 80 to 95 percent to pay for the social benefits of the unemployed population. Effectively those companies will be working to generate the profits to give to the government in order to support the population who then use it to pay for the company’s products and services. I KNOW ITS CRAZY BUT IT IS COMING A LOT FASTER THAN YOU IN POWER WILL EVER ACCEPT. At the moment, the government is absolutely refusing to accept this paradox. They are increasingly creating nonsensical jobs to hide the rising unemployment figures. That is fine; you can do that when the figures are low. However, sooner or later they are going to rise at an alarming rate. How will you hide the unemployment trend that is through the 60, 70, 80, 90 percent marks. THE ISSUE HERE IS SIMPLE, THE MORE FORIEGNERS YOU LET IN TODAY, THE BIGGER THE UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM IS GOING TO BE TOMORROW WHEN MY PREDICTIONS ABOVE COME TRUE. An example:- I worked as a departmental manager for Roots Plastics that was attacked to Haffenden Moulding Company a part of London Rubber and then bought out by Milton Meads. Our Haffenden Moulding plastics department had around 80 injection moulding presses running 24/7. The moulders and direct departmental supporting staff accounted for around 450 people. In Germany at the time in the early 80s was a Bipol moulding company. The factory had 100 presses running 24/7 and was run by just ten people. On each 8 hour shift there were one person in a computer control room on a menzine floor and one person on the press shop floor cleaning up small oil spills and picking up the occasional spew that missed the recycle conveyor belt. Another difference in this operation was the fact that the German operation used automated hoppers containing 2 metric tons of material compared to Haffendens manual 35 cwt hoppers. NEEDLESS TO SAY, HAFFENDEN MOULDING COMPANY AND ROOTS PLASTICS WENT BUST IN THE 90S. THEY SIMPLY COULD NOT COMPETE WITH A ROBOTISED COMPANY WHILE BEING BURDENED WITH THE TOTAL COST OF EMPLOYING SO MANY WORKERS. That was a major problem some 35 years ago when robotics was in its infancy and the serious concept of humanoid robots had not even started to get on the drawing boards. CAN YOU NOW SEE WHY YOU AS A GOVERNMENT MUST START TO SERIOUSLY PLAN FOR THIS PROBLEM -- IF YOU DONT IT WILL BITE YOU IN THE ASS AND ULTIMATELY CAUSE A CIVIL WAR THAT OVERTHROWS YOU. The problem is not going to come from the ‘indigenous’ British population, they are by far to conditioned to retaliate aggressively. The main problem for the countries power base is going to come from the foreigners who have not undergone a life time of propaganda conditioning especially from the Muslim population who have a history and tradition of revolution and change. The sad thing is that you people in power either won’t accept this very real problem exist or you don’t care because you will probably not be in power in ten to twenty five years time when it starts happening. As I told Tony Blair when he was Prime Minister, you really do need to start planning now for a workerless society. Kind regards Stephan Toth
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 04:49:00 +0000

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