29 yrs ago on this day I was 41 weeks prego and very big... - TopicsExpress


29 yrs ago on this day I was 41 weeks prego and very big... Uncomfortable and wanting this baby out... No inducing back in the day they let baby came when it was ready as long as there was no problems with mom or baby.. Well that morning I got up went to store did some food shopping with my ma when we got home I fed the kids and then I could really feel something ... I felt crapping but nothing I could time .. My ma wont let me go anywhere by myself so I called Debbie asked her to go to store with me to get pop.. Little did she know I was driving to the hospital cuz I wasnt sure if I was in labor or not.. I was driving down 438 and she says where we going I said I have to go check on something.. We got almost to gowanda and she said your in labor arent you? I said well find out in a few mins cuz were going to the hospital... We pulled into the parking lot I parked the car and sat there watching the nurses change shifts... She says we going in I said not yet.. Then all of a sudden I got a good one.. I sat there got thro it and when it was over I said lets go!,,,. I walked alttile fast ahead of her she stopped at front desk to tell them I thought I was in labor but by the time they could find me I was already down the hall headed to labor and delivery ... Checked in with a nurse and got ready for the main event!!!that was alittle after 3 ... I sent Debbie back for my ma ands he told the rest of the family...I was walking the hall when everyone got there cuz thats what they made u do back then.. Sat there visiting and got a really bad pain... I went to tell the nurse what I felt she checked and to her surprise I was 8 so she made me stay in bed by then it was around 530.. Then I could really feel them 1 min apart and getting stronger and stronger... Dr greve got there checked me again and said Im going to break your water.. I told her well if u do dont go far cuz this baby is coming... Im laying there trying to breathe thro the pain ad Debbie kept talking to me .. What do u want me to do.. She went on and on I turned to her and said sit down and shut the f.ck up!!!!! By then my pains were one on top of another I was hurting... All of a sudden I told the nurse its coming I have to push now!!!! She says oh honey dont push yet wait til the doctor comes back in I said .. This baby isnt waiting its coming now!!!!...the Doctor came running in the room ,I got ready and only 3 pushes out came this long fat beautiful baby boy!,,at 6:27 on May 21st my 9pounds 1 oz baby boy was born ... Jason Ray Sanford...:-) Ray and kenda were in the waiting room waiting for there baby to be born. I had a deal with them .. Kenda could name her if it was a girl.. And Ray had the boy name.. Well Ray won and he choose Jason Ray.. My family was complete.. 2 boys and 2 girls.. My babies...;-)the good old days.. I Love my babies.. all of them:-)happy 29th birthday to my angel up in heaven Jason Ray ... Oh how I miss you so... My heart aches year after year for you...
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 09:09:16 +0000

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