2Ch 7:14 “If My people who are called by My name will humble - TopicsExpress


2Ch 7:14 “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. I had to go and look this verse up because I couldnt remember where it was in the Bible but God laid it heavily on my heart. My Grams is a huge fan of Fox News and I hear it every now and then. I cant watch the news on a regular basis, because it steals my peace, and I cant do a darn thing about it, so in my own best interest I limit my viewing. But tonight I was preparing dinner and I hear that they are trying to take the phrase So help me God out of the military pledge taken by new soldiers. I am really hot under the collar - see this is why I cant watch the news. Am I alone - the emperor has no clothes and everyone is afraid to tell him. Well I am not afraid to tell him - youre naked dude. Put some clothes on your sorry butt no one needs to see that! But really, if you are an atheist, then swearing under God should mean nothing more to you than swearing under Bugs Bunny. There isnt a leg to stand on. Yet theyll spend millions of our tax dollars arguing stupid junk like this in court. Money we could use to get more jobs going - because 10% of the nation has a bug up its rear end to get God out of our nation. And the other 90% are too afraid to rock the boat. If we dont stand up, make our voices heard and turn our faces back toward God, humble ourselves, pray and seek His face - our country will be lost...and thats the Gods honest truth. Those of us who grew up in a world where God was respected and prayer was the norm, just dont get this. Why should we be denied God, because it offends 3 people to hear His holy name? We certainly have no rights when those 3 people freely sling the F*** you word around freely or worse yet use the Lords name in vain (which I find highly offensive) yet thats okay and no ones suing anyone over that. The separation of church and state has been abused so much that people no longer understand it and if schools were taught correct history instead of the revisionist stuff they teach our kids now, this mess wouldnt even be an issue. PEOPLE - and that means you SENATORS & CONGRESSMEN - the separation of church and state was instituted to keep the church from taking over the government and to allow all the people in the United States to worship as they so chose. In England, the church had so much power, it abused its power with bloody and horrible results which is why so many people fled to America in the first place. This constitutional law has been so abused now it bears no resemblance to the intended law at all. I only say all this because we need to band together and get this straight or we are in real danger of losing this ONCE GREAT country. We arent great anymore because we quit honoring God and thats the sad truth of it. Im sorry if you disagree, but look around you.... If well just turn back to God (our Christian-Judeo roots), which by the way tolerates all other religions and dont require you to be either Christian or Jewish - you can be a wiccan or a hindu for all we care - its up to you - then we have hope. God loves us all and would love nothing more than to have us turn our hearts back to Him so He can bless us once again and make us a great nation once again. Search your hearts, were going down hill fast with no breaks and we need to turn to God for help because Hes the only one who can. I have to go to the place that God is still on the throne and in control. I know and He knows that I love Him and He will watch over His own - but there are plenty of people I love who dont know him and that makes me cry. Wont you consider asking Jesus into your heart today. You have nothing to lose - He takes your heavy burden and gives you life everlasting. He takes the rap for all your sins and you get to be white as snow. He loves you now, even if you hate his guts....but Hell also honor your request to get lost because He is the ultimate gentleman. He knocks at the door of your heart - all you need do is open the door and ask Him in. Oh what a glorious feeling, its like nothing else in the world. I wish you love and pardon my rant, again - Christians do get upset, just like everyone else, we just dont hold grudges or stay angry - after all were still human and a work in progress at that, until we cross over into heaven. :) May you know His infinite Love and be free at last to quote Dr. King...Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last! Amen!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 02:59:07 +0000

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