2DAYS POINT 2 PONDER JESUS – A FRIEND OF SINNERS ©George Ferricks 2013 He walked and He talked with lowly men. He ate and He drank and became their friend. But the religious and pious of that day, Could fathom him not nor hear what he says. The woman at the well was hated by Jews. But He came to her and delivered good news. Away she went and told all that she knew. And they came out to him and believed he was true. Their arms were thrown back – the rocks ready to fly. They were aimed at the woman caught in bed with some guy. He stepped on the scene and He challenged the mob. “Hey!! You without sin - your stone you may lob.” He looked on the woman – compassion filled His eyes. “Where are they who condemn and deride?” She raised her face saying, “I know not Lord.” “I condemn you not – go and sin no more.” Why do we get so religious and pious? And why do we fight to defend all of our bias? Why not relent – give up and give in? Let’s be like Jesus – a friend of sinners. Hope you enjoy this poem facebookers – my heart aches for the lost and backslidden more-so now than at any other time I can recall. I have shared a video clip by Casting Crowns ‘Jesus – friend of sinners’, which has really captured my heart these past few weeks. I recommend you read poem and listen to this song. Take care facebookers – win the lost at any cost – have a great week.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 15:56:03 +0000

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