.................................2E 597 3rd frostfall When I was 5 - TopicsExpress


.................................2E 597 3rd frostfall When I was 5 my mother went to the imperial city to buy us some horses for the long ride to the elden root where all the colonies of valenwood had been gathered for a speech from and Altmer lord named kalanar who was delivering a message from the queen of the altmer .when my mother returned from her 4 day journey she had the horses and she had this journal. I swore id never use it .being at the age where I found wrighting boring I never looked at the journal for over 3 years .my mother took it wherever we went saying I should wright about it leaving memories for future members of our family.i never did . Until the war started .i guess I should start by saying who I am .my name is Nimphaneth nighthollow daughter of faurinthil nighthollow my father died of rockjoint when I was 3 and my brother taught me to hunt. I became a fine huntress and lived by the ways of y’ffre. When the war council was called at the elden root we were forced to buy horses for the long journey. On arrival to the elden root we were directed to the nearest inn which of course was full, after 8 inns and 12 lodging houses we found a room and admired the magnificence of the elden root .on 2E 583 18th first seed we were called to the gathering .where we each were handed a piece of parchment with this written on it “YOUR QUEEN COMMANDS I have no hatred for the races of Man, but they are young. Like all children, they are driven by emotion. They lack the wisdom that comes with age. I would sooner place an Altmer infant on the Ruby Throne than surrender Tamriel to their capricious whims. The Altmer, the Bosmer and the Khajiit share the common traits of intelligence, patience and reason. We do not seek riches or plunder. Domination is not our goal, nor is the acclamation of power for its own sake. Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us.” That night my mother cried and held my brother and I close we were unsure of what was happening at the time but we knew deep down that something was deeply wrong. Never in our lives had we seen mother cry .not even at father’s death. She just bottled up the emotions. After a year in the elden root we headed back to our home in haven. When we arrived mother had a Nordic man come to us once each week and teach us the ways of the sword. I learned faster than my brother and soon I was as good if not better than the nord now knowing the ways of both bow and sword at the age of 6 I knew how to defend myself. a year before the attacks from coldharbour when molag bal sent his dark anchors down to merge tamriel with oblivion . I was 14 and ready for anything my mother defended the border now and we were left at home due to being under the age of warring I took care of my little brother and the house while she was gone. On the 23rd of morning star a courier arrived with grave news of my mother’s death. She had been hit in the arm with an ebony arrow dipped in a poison .two days later she was dead. My brother wept but I had to remain strong for both of us. At the age of 17 I signed up for war duty which by this time was not mandatory for all those 17 or over. I needed something new as I grew restless of cleaning and cooking. I left my brother with a close friend and set out for the capital. I arrived and handed over my name and next of kin. When I walked into that mess hall I knew that everything was not all right as people were bleeding and priests and priestesses of kyne were healing men and women with injuries so gruesome my mind has blanked them out of my memories. The Nords had done the worst .never leaving a squad when they pleaded mercy just slaughtering them all .i ate my fill and slept in the crowded mess hall. Two weeks later the call came and my squad was sent out on patrol to border cyrodiil I was stationed just outside kvatch until the attack from anvil. When we first saw the half dead imperials walking towards us. Most men ran but I held my ground. Making sure my aim was true I struck out with my bow killing my very first man there would be many after that moment. Soon we were overrun and had to fall back to valenwood.im now 21 and have seen many sieges….living through this war has been tough but its sure to end badly. Anyway it’s getting late and we have guard duty tomorrow I should get some sleep. -the scotsman
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 17:21:51 +0000

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