2PART OF THE BOOK OF LIFE ARE YOU A CANDIDATE. Many who harbour - TopicsExpress


2PART OF THE BOOK OF LIFE ARE YOU A CANDIDATE. Many who harbour the spirit of malice,bitterness and unforgiving spirit will run helter skater to find their offenders to settle their differences but road shall be closed against them. Many who have given themselves to the pleasure of this world and love committing immorality shall not have their names in the book of life. Many will call on their idols for rescue,but they shall be disappointed. Many who choose to steal,kill,lie,deceive,practice 419,etc will even want to practice those things there. They will attempt to-steal the book of life from God but it will not be possible. Many who claimed to be closer to God but the works of their hands are so terrible shall blame themselves on that fateful day. The so call church goers who never surrender to Jesus Christ,will never make it into the Holy City. Sunday,Sunday Christians but servants of the devil on that day will never enter the Kingdom of God. Those who are still walking at the corridor of the shadow of death been loaded with sins and iniquity will never enter the City of God. For the scripture says in 1john3:8(kjv)He that committeth sin is of the devil;for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this reason,the Son of man is manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. According to the book of john5:28-29,the Bible says,.....all that are in the graves shall hear,....they that have done good unto resurrection of life,and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation. On that day,no sinner will escape from the wrath of God. The sea shall vomit the death which were in them,both small and great shall stand before God their last judgement.(Rev20:13,14). Beloved,it is not in Gods agenda for any man to perish in the lake of fire where Satan and his angels shall be tormented day and night forever and ever,but all that refused to repent of their sins shall join in the lake of fire to be tormented forever and ever. God want man to be saved and live together with Him in the New Jerusalem prepared for those whose name are written in the Book of Life(Rev21:2-4). In the new city,there will be no lack of any good things;no sickness,sorrow,pain,crying nor lost of relation. For this purpose,beloved,Jesus Christ was crucified. Through his death and resurrection,man may be save. WHAT THEN ARE YOU EXPECTED TO DO TO BE QUALIFIED. 1)Realize you are a sinner or backslider 2)Confess your sins 3)Forsake them 4)Repent(turn completely from them) 5)Declare for Jesus Make Him your personal Lord and Saviour. Go and sin no more till we meet in the New Jerusalem. PRAYER POINTS 1)Any evil seed in my life that will not allow my name appear in the book of life,catch fire,in the name of Jesus. 2)O God arise and write my name in the book of life!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 19:55:12 +0000

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