2day meditate Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not - TopicsExpress


2day meditate Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Title: Recognize The Seed God Has Given You To Sow You will reap what you sow! Yesterday we looked at the need to work with a sense of responsibility. You may know all you need to know but, it is the doer of the Word that is blessed. It is actually mockery to God for a believer to learn about seed-sowing and not do so yet expecting fruitfulness of the Lord. I want to share some facts about seed I learnt from Mike Murdock with you: 1. Your Seed Is Anything You Have Received From God That You Can Sow Into Someone Else e.g. thoughts, love, time, patience, mercy, kindness, money, prayers, and thankfulness are all seeds.If you need a harvest of any of them, sow them. 2. Seed-faith Is Sowing What You Have Been Given To Create Something Else You Have Been Promised. Whether the promises of God will be fulfilled in your life or not is tied to your obedience to the Word of God. 3. Your Seed Is The Tool God Has Given You To Create Your Future e.g. David had a slingshot. God always leaves you with something. What is it? Find it. God has always given us the advantage: create your 2014 by what you already have now as a seed. 4. Something You Have Been Given By God Will Create Anything Else You Have Ever Been Promised By God. e.g. the woman with the issue of blood had tenacity. Stop looking at what others possess. Instead start thanking God for something He has already given you. 5. There Will Never Be A Day In Your Life That You Have Nothing. e.g. the widow had something: ability to discern, listen to, and obey a man of God (1 Kings 17:9-24). I believe like the widow, you too can discern, listen to, and obey the man of God. Take responsibility today by beginning to act on all that you have learnt so far. Do have a fruitful day!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 07:47:30 +0000

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