2hearts beating as 1 I was listening to a story the other day - TopicsExpress


2hearts beating as 1 I was listening to a story the other day about a test that was being done with hearts. Hearts that were, of course, not in the body, doctors and scientists were testing hearts outside the body. They held two beating hearts side by side and listened to their unique beats. Each heart had a different beat, a different rhythm. The thing that most struck me was this; when they allowed the two hearts to touch, after a few seconds their beats became the same - they were in unison, the same exact heartbeat. As I listened to this story I heard the Lord say - this is what happens when the heart of one of my people touch my heart, the beat becomes the same. I have been thinking about this for days, I literally cant get it off my mind. I have been praying for God to show me ways that I can touch His heart - I want my heart to beat the same as His does. I want to be one with Him, in complete unison with the heart of God. If my heart beats with His rhythm I know I will always be in His perfect will, and in His perfect timing but how do our hearts touch to bring forth this unity of beat? I think there are many ways to touch the heart of God. First and foremost I know for a truth that worship touches the heart of God. Many times in worship I feel so close to God that it seems as if I am in Him and He is in me - we are beating as one. When we worship God, He draws near...the more we worship, the closer He draws, until you are literally one. Another way of touching the heart of God is by loving His people, His creation. The Bible says whatever we do to the least of these, we do to God. When we show love to someone else we are literally showing love to God, thats what His word says. I believe that trusting God when it looks like we have absolutely no reason to trust touches His heart. When He knows we are hurting and afraid yet we continue to declare what His word says right in the midst of it, I know that touches His heart. There are many ways of touching the heart of God. And knowing that when two hearts touch, they begin to beat with the same rhythm is enough reason for me to begin to pray that my heart will touch His, how about you? Do you want your heart to beat as His? If so, then purpose today to touch the heart of God. I have continued to think about and study about hearts that beat with Gods. As I was studying I came across a verse in the Message Bible about King David. It says; Ive searched the land and found this David, son of Jesse. Hes a man whose heart beats to my heart, a man who will do what I tell him. (Acts. 13:22) Obviously obedience is another way to touch the heart of God and cause your heart to beat with His. He called David a man after His heart, a man whose heart beats to His heart, this has always been an amazing statement to me. I have heard it taught that David was a man after Gods heart because He worshipped Him. I have heard it was because He wanted to build God a house. I have heard many things but as I was studying today I came across something else David did that obviously touched the heart of God. In 1 Samuel 24 we see that God has told David that He would deliver his enemy into his hand and David was free to do with him whatever he chose. God was bringing Saul across Davids path and Sauls future was in the hands of David. Most of us would love to hear God say I am bringing your enemy before you, do whatever you want to him, you have my permission, it is entirely up to you. And most would take advantage of that opportunity and remove that enemy from our midst. But what did David do? When God brought Davids enemy across his path, David cut a piece of fabric off his skirt, I would imagine in pride saying I could have taken you out at any moment. However, the bible says that even that act caused David great remorse and he regretted it. David said in his heart that he could not touch Gods anointed. Now, keep in mind, the anointing had departed from Saul, yet David knew he was once chosen by God, anointed by God and he refused to touch him. David had an opportunity to take out the one person the enemy was using against him but he refused - he refused to take the opportunity given. God gave David an opportunity and David took the high ground. He touched the heart of God and God called Him a man after His heart, a man whose heart beat the same as His. How many times could God have judged one of us, allowed us to be judged because we refused to obey His way, yet He showed mercy and forgiveness and extended His grace and love to us - just as David did with Saul that day - his heart beat the same as Gods. In thinking of this opportunity given I think about the many times that good Christian folk will be given an opportunity to talk about someone who was once Gods anointed, they have the opportunity to destroy them with words - do they take that opportunity or do they do like David and take the high road? Sadly many feel like God has given them the opportunity and it is their duty to judge them - that is NOT the heart of God. God always extends mercy, forgiveness and love and I thank God He does, because I need it personally on a daily basis. This has caused me to re-evaluate times that are opportunities given - to not see them as I once would have - but to see them as an opportunity to allow my heart to beat as Gods would, a time to show mercy, love and forgiveness - a time to be called a woman after the heart of God. Thats my hearts cry - how about you? Be careful of opportunities given, they may be given by God, but He is still watching how you will handle it - take the high road...every time, allow your heart to beat as His. K. Potter
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:09:40 +0000

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