3- I was a college teacher in Iran and also consultant and - TopicsExpress


3- I was a college teacher in Iran and also consultant and translator. I have been persecuted, because my mother was Baha’i and lost my job and my position. I tried to find a private job and or making a company private to work there. My Moslem friend Mr. Musaavi Tirabadi Morteza and his son Mohammad Zia, who had a big company name construction company of Azar, told me, if I help him, he will reopen his company and we can produce and work together. Sorrowfully as he was a very nice to me, I gave fast all my saving to him. He repaired his business and later he thought why he should give me the money. He delayed the payment, and he gave also me a letter that he will pay me the inflation. He got the money for 20 days only. Now with 30% inflation, he delayed the payment. After a while he was tired of my passion and told me, I should go to the ministry of just in Iran and get my money. He also treated me and fight with me. He had a lot of friends in the system and he put me in jail, because he said I was nice to him, because I wanted to change his Islamic religion. He robbed me totally and he also destroyed my life as the money I gave him was not all mine. He misused the Baha’i religion and said bad words to me and he treated even my Baha’i family. Because I was sent out of the work and he robbed also my capital. I have no other choice to go out of Iran to work. My Baha’i family, my cousin was very nice to me and I gave everything I had to him. He did the same thing as My Moslem friend did. He and his wife have robbed me too. I came to the USA and started to work and after a while I was college instructor and high school teacher here in Orlando and in Seminole county public school. I sent also some of my capital to my sister in the USA and in the time I was here, her husband and she did not want to cooperate with me. My sister was a very beloved one, but sorrowfully the time change the people or maybe the huge amount of money changes the people also. They refused to cooperate with me and I had to start from zero point, they may think I cannot go through and will give up. A lot of students wanted to learn different languages, so they came to my house. The house was in sub-division and the homeowners did not like this. I asked them what I can do. They told me if I buy houses in the county with acres they will give me occupational license, so I am free to have students in my house and teach them. I bought the houses they pointed and they gave me occupational license. Three years everything was fine, but after three years the zoning department came to me and said, that they did a mistake and they canceled my license. I told them I put all my money, time and energy in this school, if I close it I will lose all of them. I will be destroyed completely. They told I can sue them. And I can rent the building to the regular people. The regular people thought that I am rich as the whole building was totally furnished with new furniture and they started not to pay and also in the time I went to court to evict them, they got angry and destroy the house and when they left the house they robbed my furniture and whatever they need they took. I went to the police and explain my situation. The water also damaged the house and the insure companies like robber did not pay. With other words I am robbed from many sides so I could not pay the credit cards and loans. So I got bad credits and cannot get security clearance so I cannot work. I can teach eight languages, and I found a lot of work, but they do not hire me, because I cannot get security clearance. The people and insurance companies robbed me and Orange County made a mistake and all of these are fine and I should be punished for their mistake and their robbing. I do not know if you can call that just? The prices of the houses are also lower and about 50% the values of the house have been lost. But the bank will the full amount and had foreclosed my business. As you see I have been attacked and robbed from many sides and nobody care what had happened to me. They want money, but they destroyed my credit and my life and they expect that I pay? If they cooperate with me I can work and make 30,000 dollars per month and I can pay them, but they are not willing to cooperate with me. But they want money. How can I pay in the time they do not let me work? That is like they cut my feet and say me run. I found it very illogical. How can I pay as they destroy my credit and punished me even I explained to them that I am robbed? If they close all doors to me how can I go? It is very funny and in the same time cruel, that they destroy a person and after that they want he pays? Sometime I think the human beings are changed to sort of robots. They can only think in one way without consider other things that happened. Like if you ask a woman who had no hand and no feet to run or to work? The people think that in USA everything is better and logic. But in reality USA is just like other country. There is some good points here, but a lot of negatives matters too. I found a good job and I could pay them even off, if they let me work, but they want without working paying them. Is it not funny? I did not know that here are no securities and the system is useless and indifferent. I did not know that the system here is so cruel and indifferent. If I did know, I would stay a college and high school teacher and I was fine. Generally the government and churches or even attorney should help the school and not destroy it. I hired attorneys, but they want so much money in front that I cannot pay now. So they are also indifferent. The attorneys do not work for just as they always advertise, they work just for money. That is a sorrowfully situation as the attorneys at law work only for money. I wrote also to many officials, from governor, president, congressman, senators, newspapers and… all of them are useless and indifferent. They want just their salary and they do not care about society and people. Yours Amir Ghiassi
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 05:40:58 +0000

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