3/06/2005 Chicago, Ill The Need To Build Our Life Up By Imam - TopicsExpress


3/06/2005 Chicago, Ill The Need To Build Our Life Up By Imam W. Deen Mohammed. Business in the poor neighborhood is a religious requirement Quran 28.77; Dont forget your share of the world But seek with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee the Home of the Hereafter nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good as Allah has been good to thee and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief. We here in this area, in the suburbs of Chicago, if I live in Markham, this is Homewood these little towns are so close together you can cross the street and be in another town. Our office is in East Hazel Crest, Ill just a stone throw from here. We are in these places and asking the question, How come a black neighborhood has no black business to support it when the Mexican neighborhood has Mexican businesses to support it? The Polish neighborhood has Polish businesses supporting it. The Irish neighborhood has Irish businesses supporting it. The Palestinian neighborhood has Palestinian businesses supporting it and so on. Why is it that the African American neighborhood cant have that kind of business growth representation? We cant accept that. Leaders before me didnt accept it and I cant accept it. I dont want anybody telling me how much you love G-d and how much you serve G-d and you are living in a bad condition materially and nobody is enforcing it upon you, nobody is imposing it upon you, you accept that condition, something is seriously wrong or missing in your religion. G-d never intended that people disrespect their physical life while putting more importance on the spirit and more importance on the future of the life that will be spiritual more than material. You have to get established spiritually one day because that is a great victory, but psychology knows, common sense tells us that if my material condition is bad it affects my spirit. A bad material condition can make you have a bad spirit, so we have to be able to rise above material interests into a spiritual enlightenment, but all along the path to the excellence for human life we have to respect the material side; hence G-d says to us in our Holy Book, Seek by the means I have given you the future life but dont neglect your share of this material world. G-d did not say He was speaking to me personally or to poor people, G-d was speaking to a rich man in our Quran. It was a rich man, who was neglecting the spiritual side of his life, but he had great achievements in material life, but he was not fair towards others. For he had benefitted greatly from the society and the people of that society had supported him, without their support, he could not have grown wealthy and so powerful. So the words came to him, this is good, this is okay G-d has nothing against your material interests, working hard for the material side, but look youre cheating these people out of their life. Let something back in the community. This is what is addressed in this criticism of this rich man. G-d says, seek with the means He grants you, the destiny the hereafter, the future G-d wants for our souls. But dont forget or neglect your share of the material world Any Arabic student of Quran, any scholar in Al Islam, any leader in Al Islam who are legitimate they know; that person knows that G-d is speaking to that rich man. But why does the rich man have to be told to seek the material interest? He has already done that, this is the language of G-d, it is so powerful and so full of meaning and communication, He is speaking through the man who is not totally innocent of blame, that is, the poor. The rich they cheat us many times, they build their powerful wealth upon our ignorance and our neglect and our dependency on them, they are the blame also were the blame. Usually it is the rich mans fault too that the poor man does not know his own personal worth as a creation because the rich man encourages the idea that if you want to be a good person in religion, do not follow me I am a businessman, go to church follow your preacher. It is the people who have the wealth who try to make others think, I cannot give myself to anything like that. Like there is a conflict and if you give your life, your interest to spiritual life or religion you are not going to be fit for business. G-d is speaking through this persons situation not only to the rich but also to the poor. It is the poor that have not been told in a rich material environment where everything is provided by the people who are engaging into material interest, this is something that you should be interested in also. When the poor people get the message from G-d; because whatever the world says of religion and of G-d, if the poor people just accept it, they dont argue that. We trust them, they are the ones who are running things, the average person trusts them, that is nature. You are not achieving like they are, you do not have the positions they have, you do not have the honor or the prestige in the society that they have so it is your nature to follow and to accept what they say.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:44:23 +0000

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