3 118 I decided to try and wake up while Doc was still on - TopicsExpress


3 118 I decided to try and wake up while Doc was still on the way, I took a quick shower so he does not get there ndimdaka Im too much of a lady for that, I finished and made breakfast. When I was about to eat I he called! I just opened the gate without even answering his call! He got there! Doc: Hey you, Im sorry Im late Traffic is still a nightmare, how are you feeling? Me: A bit better because I was able to take a shower while standing but I did feel a bit dizzy! Doc: It must be the change of weather Im sure its nothing serious. How did you start feeling like this? Me: Last night! Doc: Does your chest hurt or its the dizziness? Me: I heat up and I become dizzy! Doc: Okay this is rather a personal problem, when last did you go to your periods? Me: Hehe haiwethu I went to them before I went to see Brian, and the day we got too naughty my circle was still perfectly fine! So I cant be pregnant! :/ Doc: Okay then if you say so I believe you, what if it turns out that you are then? Me: I know Im not because I havent formed any eggs I know how I circulate! Doc: Okay then I think you are just catching flue, isnt your nose blocked? Me: Anayo nix! Doc: Okay then but Ill advirce you to be careful Next time when you decide not to use a condom. Me: Yes sir! Hee Ye Doc what if?? :( Doc: Yintoni ngoku walila? Me: What if ndine Ebola ? :( :( :/ Doc: Holy Shvd Shiela :o :o Yaz unyanisile! Me: Hai man Achumile (Screaming) Im gonna die ! Doc: Calm down , okay let me call an ambulance I cant drive you to the hospital myself thats against the hospital rules for us doctors, listen I need you to calm down! Me: Holy Shvd Im gonna die, nzofa achumile! Doc: Youre not gonna die I wont let that happen now please let me call the ambulance so we can run some tests on you please calm down! Me: Oh bawo wam yhini nkosi yam obawo wam! Let me call my mom! While I was screaming up and down shouting that Ill die doc called i-ambulance! Doc: Helow, Listen Sasa ndicela sisi undithumelele maan i-ambulance ekhoyo apho ngoku vha! Doc: Adress? Gosh, Shiela ithini I adress yakho iworse nale yoba ndingayaz I adress yakho Me: Never mind the adress ndihleli ndizofa moss Doc: Sasa hold on sisi lomntu is losing her mind apha! That time andithyafe ndihleli on the couch thinking that Im gonna die within 10 days so why should he even I even worry myself! Doc: Shiela, Babes listen I need you to work with me here please babe please! Me: Youre here then that means you have already contracted the diseases from me Doc we gonna die! Doc: I dont care if I die or not but youre more important at least Ill die doing my job, Shiela sweetheart I have an appointment at 2 I need you to work with me here! Brian skyped me! Doc: Hey my man we have a problem here! Brian: Whats going on is she okay? Doc: Well we dont know, shes losing it! Brian: As in shes in shock? Doc: She thinks shes going to die! Brian: Due to what? Doc: Contracting Ebola! Brian: What??? :o No way Doc get her to the hospital now, Im catching the next flight there. Doc: No I can handle this, please let me do this on my own! Brian: But thats my soul mate we talking about! Doc: Hey can you two stop acting like children and let me do my job? Gezz Brian: Okay man Im sorry please keep me posted, I have to run they need me! Doc: Thanks man and I will! I was seated there like an idiot continuously saying Im dying Doc: Do you know how beautiful you are? Me: Im going to die! Doc: God please help me come her down! Me: :o :( -_- (Laugh) I cant believe Im going to die at such a young age! Doc: Then please die knowing I tried, ndiyakucela chomie yam please just calm down and give me your address! Me: -_- no its fine ndi right qha leyoba uzazi uba uzofa :v cracks me up ! Ye Doc ndizofa! Doc: Jesus ! Doc got up waya eroomin and got all my staff ! Doc: If this needs me to drag you to the hospital I will! Me: Whats the point I only have 10 days to live, its funny how Im gonna get thin and die like that! Doc: Mxm undidikile ngoku! He dragged me to the car and took me to hospital I was so chilled, I mean I thought to myself who panics when they are about to die anyway its not like anything is going to change! We go to the hospital and he requested emergency and they took me with a wheel chair so I do not fall by the dizziness and they took me to my emergency room! Doc: Okay listen Ill start with the check up now but I need to attend one of my patients so in the mean time Dr Ondoh will be with you in a minute to run some tests okay! Me: Nzotofwa? :( Doc: You wont feel a thing! Me: doc?! Doc: Yes?! Me: If I get more sick please dont try to hard to save me please let me die! Doc: You wont die! Me: I am happy to have a friend like you. Doc: Please be strong for me and your family okay! Dr Ondoh entered! Dr.O: Helow Mam my name is Ashington Ondoh and Ill be your Dr until you get healthy again! Me: Kanti Achumile didnt you say youre my Dr? Doc: I lied, Im sorry I have more than 10 patients! Me: :( Hayi ndifuna ugoduka mna! Doc: Shiela! Stop it I dont need this Drama right now! Me: Im feeling better! Dr.O: Mam please calm down, Im one of the best Drs in my country and I promise you Ill take good care of you! Me: Are you sure? Dr.O: Yes mam it will be a small needle I just want to check your blood pressure, Iron, diabetes and HIV Me: Okay! Doc: See? Nothing will happen! Me: :) Okay please come check up on me! Doc: Okay uyeke idrama vhaa Mampinga wam :) Me: Okay :) He left! Me: Doctor do you think I might have contracted Ebola? Dr.O: Please let me do this check up then Ill get back to you, I fully doubt though because you dont look to see, you just panicking because you think youll die! Me: I guess so So Dr . O ran some tests on me and he came back after 5 min Dr.O: Guess what? Me: Im dying? Dr.O: Youre perfectly fine, Youre healthy but your Iron is low so please have something to eat after this! Me: Okay, so that mean I didnt contract Ebola? Dr.O: Yes mam you are Ebola free :D Me: Thank u God, to think I contracted Ebola, I was so scraed! Dr.O: I noticed haha but you are perfectly fine! Im not sure whats causing the Dizziness but Im sure its just the change of weather its just too dominant these days! Doc came back! Doc: How is she? Dr.O: Surprisingly healthy :) Doc: Wonderful, did you do all the tests? Me: He did! Doc: Okay Im glad, how are you feeling now? Me: I dont know , I feel hungry! Doc: Thats because youre hungry, youre such a baby I cant believe you cried like that! Me: I was scared, so are you guys discharging me? Doc: Utheni ufuna ukhe uhlale just to make sure youre okay? Me: No, No I wanna go back home! Doc: Oh okay. Someone knocked! Doc: Let me check who that is! It was Lunga! Lunga: Good afternoon, how are you feeling? Me: Im fine! Doc: Hey Lunga mfana wam :) Lunga: Hey Bra, is this too serious? Doc: Not at all Dr Ondoh did some tests but his busy re-doing them just to make sure that shes perfectly healthy! Lunga: Okay Im glad shes fine! Me: Helow Im here ! Lunga: Haha Sorry babe Im just too glad youre okay! Me: Me too :) Dr Ondoh came back with his second results! Dr.O: Ummh there you go Doc: :o :o are these the final results? Dr.O: Yeah I knew there was something I forgot so I secretly went to make sure of it! Doc: Ummh Lunga please excuse us! Me: Haibow Im I dying :( Dr.O: No no never its something more interesting than that! Me: What are you guys on about! Doc: I dont know whether to call Brian first or tell you. Me: Im I HIV positive? Doc: No Dr.O: Tell her! Doc: Youre Pregnant, Congratulations :D Me: Hehehe haisuka uthinina Achu? Doc: Yeah funny enough youre only 3 days pregnant :) Me: :o :o :o :o -_- :( I cant be I dont want to have a baby Dr.O: Babies are a blessing from God, this is wonderful :) Me: No I dont want to have a baby Im not ready! Doc: listen hey, this is wonderful you should think about this, we are going to live you here to think about it and then Ill be back in 10min I couldnt believe this, okay I did! Hell no I didnt I wasnt ready :( !!!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:55:34 +0000

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