3-13-14 Response to self proclaimed atheist PZ Myers. On - TopicsExpress


3-13-14 Response to self proclaimed atheist PZ Myers. On 3-9-14 I sent out a blog (posted on 2peter3) titled Open Letter to self proclaimed atheist PZ Myers of U of Minnesota- Morris. My blog had 18 numbered paragraphs. A day or two later (I dont have that data) he responded on his blog but I dont have his web address either. It may be freethoughts/pharyngula but Im not sure. Sorry about that. He at least referred to my paragraph numbers so below is my answer to his A few comments from me: Ill use my original paragraph numbers for ease of reference. Sorry I cant cut and paste and insert here to make it easier to follow. First- I was totally unaware that quote marks would scare you or anyone! Ive never heard them called scare quotes in my 61 years! Is this new? I always use them for emphasis or irony. It is NOT Rational to believe in evolution. 1&3- I think a simple search of the web or a survey of your students would show that you do indeed push your views on others. Why do you post comments at all? I cannot subscribe to any blogs here but Ill have someone do it for me. Thanks for the info. 4. PZ, you dont pay attention to LOTS of details! Like the IMPOSSIBILITY of your religion being true. Dogs produce dogs. Always, no exceptions. You have a gift for not seeing the details that prove every aspect of the evolutionism religion wrong. I suspect this is because you like the idea of freedom from God and His Word and His authority over your life. Notice you did NOT say, Im sorry I published false information about you Kent. 5&6. I have not started any of the legal fights. They brought all this to me and Im just defending myself as anyone should. You are not concerned with the details of real science that demonstrate the evolution religion to be stupid either. 7. You are either lying (again) or unable to understand simple English here. I have NEVER been convicted of fraud. There was no fraud in my case. You (and the folks at Rational Wiki) seem to like that word for some reason but it does not apply. Words have meanings PZ. You (and the rationalwiki folks) seem to play fast and loose with words. Like the word science for example. You freely include a lot of religion in with your science. I think fraud may apply to a person who claims to teach biology yet routinely mixes his religious beliefs in class about all life forms having a common ancestor or humans being related to bananas and humans being a fish (as you stated in the Evolution vs. God DVD). Maybe charlatan is a better word for these false teachers. Maybe the courts will explain to the folks at Rational Wiki that words have meanings and it is not good to falsely accuse someone of the crime of fraud (unless you have proof). The government was wrong in my case as is shown in many of the filings posted on 2peter3. The reason we even have appellate courts and a Supreme Court is precisely because the lower courts can get it wrong. Being convicted by one person does not prove guilt. 6 million Jews were convicted and executed in Germany in WW II. Does that prove they were guilty of some crime? Watch the news. Often cases are overturned on new evidence. Sometimes many years after the conviction. Simple history 101 will show many examples. I know you are rejoicing that the lower court ruled against me just as Jesuss enemies rejoiced when he was convicted and sentenced. Well, its NOT over. If I DO get the case overturned and it is admitted by a higher court that the lower court erred and I did NOT commit a crime will you also admit it or will you then think the higher court erred? I have learned a LOT of things from all this! Read my previous blogs over the last 7 years to glean some if you like. Lake of remorse? Should I be sorry I took my own money out of my own bank to pay my own bills? Read the Complaint of Misconduct against the AUSA in my case filed in the Denver court and tell me which of the 3 charges I should be remorseful for please. 8. One of your own fellow travelers corrected you on this one. Evidences is fine. BTW- I notice you used scare quotes here. Twice! It worked! Im scared! :) 9&10. Be specific. You give a nebulous accusation about Ray Comfort lying and quote mining yet give no specifics. Anyone can watch the DVD and see you make a fool of yourself. No need for quote mining. You are your own worst enemy. A wise man once said, It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. BTW-someone beat me to the 1900 students. They will all be getting the DVD soon and see the truth for themselves. This might be a good time for a long sabbatical for you. :) You may not want to show your face around the university for a while once they all see that one. BTW- Send me the specific spots where Ray lied or quote mined please. 11-14. My offer stands as is. I have been more than generous in the terms. You are welcome to sell copies of the DVD but I am not going to hire someone to keep track of the ones I sell just so you can get a %. I didnt ask for a % of the ones you sell or your profits. If you are so smart and feel so confident you will win the debate then why cant you rest assured that people world wide will run to you to buy a copy? If you indeed decide to sell it I will add your web site as a source where people can get it. There are MANY who claim to be atheists and agnostics who would LOVE to see you (or anyone) beat me in a debate on creation vs. evolutionism. Watch ANY of the 20 debate dvds on you tube to see how they did. :) As stated in my 3-11 post---Ill pay my expenses to come to your turf, pay to video it, pay you as stated and give you a master copy to sell copies from for the rest of your life. I will not sell them for you. If this counter offer was the loophole you added so you could worm out of doing the debate at all and save face then go ahead and back out. Rational (hope I didnt scare you with the quotes-didnt mean to. I just do it for emphasis as most people do) folks will understand the real reason why you refused. 15. Once we clearly define the slippery term evolution into its 6 natural divisions as I have done scores of times (see DVD #4 for example) it is obvious to anyone with one eye and half a brain that the first 5 divisions/ levels/ meanings of the word as taught in your university are 100% religious! You have to BELIEVE they can happen by FAITH in the face of zero/zip/nada scientific evidence or you have to BELIEVE that they happened long ago and far away where no one can observe them. NO ON has ever seen matter create itself from nothing. Before you can have ANY evolution you must have something to evolve. Its common sense 101. The text books at the university where you teach do indeed proclaim the big bang and matter coming from nothing. Ill copy them when I come and show you and the students. If it is SCIENCE that matter can come from nothing-lets do it again in a lab. I want to see it this time. The next 4 meanings of evolution: chemical, stellar, organic and macro are just as religious and have NEVER been OBSERVED. Variations within the same kind of plant or animal happen all the time like your stickle back fish example. As Ray pointed out-they are still fish! I know there is no chance that you will admit it or even understand it but any evolution above the level of minor changes within kinds only takes place in the fertile imagination of those who faithfully believe it does. Even the little boy could see- The king hath no clothes! You need to sue the tailors who sold you that dumb religious evolution suit you so proudly wear in public. Arent you embarrassed to believe you came from a rock? BTW-congrats on having an asteroid named after you. Is that an ancestor too? What evidence do you teach in your class that would show scientifically that humans are related to bananas as you said on the DVD? If it can be shown there are some sections of the complex DNA code of humans and bananas that seem to be similar that would not prove a common ancestor. A freshman law student could see through that! It is just as much evidence for a common DESIGNER! Do you mention THAT to your students? The lug nuts from a Vet will fit on other Chevy products. Does that prove they both evolved from a skate board? 16. Read your answer #17 and see who is acting like they are 12 years old. BTW- in the military officers can be disciplined for language unbecoming an officer. Doesnt your university have any standards of conduct or language for the teachers who represent the school? You need a committee to oversee stuff like this and discipline those who use 4th grade insults. Maybe a bar of soap? Words have meanings as Rational Wiki may soon find out. As one ol country boy said, Huntin aint no fun when the rabbit has a gun. Maybe they thought they should kick a man when he was down in prison and unable to defend himself? 17. I dont know if anyone will ever win you over but exposing your lies may help prevent you from ruining the students who sit in your class. Ive debated 100 self proclaimed evolutionists and cant claim to have won any of them over. I do it to expose lies, present truth and help students NOT be brainwashed or taking in by the slick sales pitch guys like you have. We have gotten thousands of testimony letters from students who saw the debates and saw the truth. 18. Your income is at least partially based on a tax funded institution-U of M. I feel certain you could not make a living in the real world without any government help, grants etc. Thats part of the reason why you suggested what you did in #11-14. I produce a product people want and I dont get funding from the government to do it. The evolution you teach, even if it were true, is 100% useless in the corporate world. Nobody will pay for it. It has no commercial value. A doctor needs to know real science to do surgery not the junk science presented in evolution classes. Again (sigh) I have never been convicted of being a con artist but Im sure it makes you feel better to act 12 (see #16) and call names rather than deal with real science and the issues. Contact Marianne to schedule a debate with the terms I already offered if you are brave enough. :) Kent Hovind
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 03:35:11 +0000

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