3/14/14 - HELP US BLAST THE PHONES TO PASS H.R.3892 - The Student - TopicsExpress


3/14/14 - HELP US BLAST THE PHONES TO PASS H.R.3892 - The Student Borrowers Bill of Rights !!! WE ARE BOMBARDING THE CONGRESSMEN IN STATES EVERY DAY WITH PHONE CALLS, TO GET H.R.3892, THE STUDENT LOAN BORROWERS BILL OF RIGHTS, PASSED: TODAY IS INDIANA! This is the most comprehensive legislation introduced since 2006 - it could really make a difference to higher ed. , our economy and our whole culture!!! For updates everyday, visit us here @ ReformStudentLoansNOW.weebly OR ON FB @ https://facebook/reformstudentloansnow OR ON FB @ StudentLoanJustice.org on FB OR @ StopSallieMae.weebly YOU CAN TELL HOW THE BILL AFFECTS YOU OR OTHER BORROWERS, OR JUST SAY YOU SUPPORT THE BILL AND ASK THEM TO CONSIDER CO-SPONSORING IT! If they ask for your zip code, tell them that although you are not a constituent, there are plenty of student loan borrowers in their area that will be greatly affected by this legislation. We need to return the standard consumer protections, that all other loans have, to student loans - we just want fairness - not a handout! Bankruptcy, statute of limitations, no garnishment of SS, SSI, SSDI, VA disability, wages (without court order), disaster relief payments; denial of security clearances; stripping of professional licenses (Dr., Atty., Realtor, etc); IRS taxing loans that have been forgiven or discharged (thats me!); reasonable and flexible repayment options;discrimination thru adverse credit history; access to transcripts; effective loan cancellation for public service; extension of loan cancellation for borrowers in public service for 5 years. To skim the chapters or read the bill, go to https://popvox/bills/us/113/hr3892 - DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT ON POPVOX - THIS BILL HIT NUMBER ONE IN THE POPVOX TOP 20 2 WEEKS AGO GOOD NEWS!!!!!! Mar 10, 2014 -- New Cosponsor H.R. 3892: Student Loan Borrowers’ Bill of Rights Act of 2013 New Cosponsor: Rep. John Tierney [D-MA6] Remember to ask reps to consider co-sponsoring the bill AND ask the Senators to consider a companion bill. The numbers for TODAY are: INDIANA: Senator Dan Coats (R- IN) 202-224-5623 Senator Joe Donnelly (D- IN) 202-224-4814 Representative Peter J. Visclosky (D - 01) 202-225-2461 Representative Jackie Walorski (R - 02) 202-225-3915 Representative Marlin Stutzman (R - 03) 202-225-4436 Representative Todd Rokita (R - 04) 202-225-5037 Representative Susan W. Brooks (R - 05) 202-225-2276 Representative Luke Messer (R - 06) 202-225-3021 Representative Andre Carson (D - 07) 202-225-4011 Representative Larry Bucshon (R - 08) 202-225-4636 Representative Todd Young (R - 09) 202-225-5315 We also have a SPECIAL REQUEST FROM ED IN MASS.: Here is contact info for Congresswomen Niki Tsongas from Massachusetts 3rd District - Washington Office: 202-225-3411, Fax: 202-226-0771. Be creative faxing if you like. Draw your favorite student loan villain on the paper, do anything that is legal, moral and ethical, but do it. Let the person you speak to know that you are seeking to find out when Congresswoman Tsongas can find the time to look at a bill that could provide enormous relief for over 8 million already in default. Dont be afraid to let them know what it feels like to be relegated to second class citizenry. Let them feel your pain and if you are so inclined, keep them on the phone as long as you can. If this kind of thing is difficult for you, if all you do is say the words, H. R. 3892, or fax that on a piece of paper. Let them know your frustrated and angry, yet try to maintain good manners, and NEVER say anything threatening. Its just NOT what we do. Make absolutely certain that you tell the person you speak to you will be calling back next week to see what is being done. Most people answering phones at these offices are really quite nice. They are sometimes interns and such who are easily won over. its a very good starting place. Have fun ! when the opportunity knocks, dont be afraid to make a friend. I am counting on you guys. Its been a very long time for me. Duckin and dodgin and feeling like a lesser citizen. STOP being a victim. We really can do this. Remember, we are the ones keeping the light on for the roughly 40 million in predatory debt and counting. When you act openly and with integrity, you send them a message too. Wake up the giant and Congresswoman Tsongas will be calling you looking for help. If we cant make a statement today ( tomorrow too if necessary ), then we might just as well all head down to Washington ourselves, with shovels, to start digging the grave for HR 3892, and hunker down for more years of the same. THIS MAY BE THE LAST BEST CHANCE WE GET BEFORE THIS WHOLE THING EXPLODES AND WE ALL GET TOSSED UNDER THE BUS ENTIRELY. Even if Rep. Tsongas continues to ignore us or resist, if we do our part we will be sending a message far more powerful than I think, any of you realize. The worst fear of politicians who refuse to take this seriously, is any group capable of mobilizing their efforts and calling attention to the truth. By taking on Tsongas we are sending a clear message that we will not back down from anyone. Because this is not an ideological issue. This is a very real injustice that both side of the aisle own responsibility for either promoting or allowing this system to continue years after its corrupt underpinnings were well know. Think of this like a playoff game....lose and go home. All we need to do today to take a step closer to our objective is show up. Call Niki. Ask her why she has taken no real action to help us.Ask her to co-sign HR 3892. -Edward McKinley REMEMBER TO SPREAD THE WORD TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW ON THE NET: FB pages, fb groups youre in, fb pages you like, twitter, g+, email, reddit and any other social platforms you belong to! AND PLEASE SIGN THE 4 PETITIONS TOWARDS THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE! YOUR VOICE COUNTS!!!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:53:59 +0000

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