3/17/14 - HELP US BLAST THE PHONES ON MONDAY TO GET H.R.3892 - - TopicsExpress


3/17/14 - HELP US BLAST THE PHONES ON MONDAY TO GET H.R.3892 - The Student Borrowers Bill of Rights - PASSED !!! WE ARE BOMBARDING THE CONGRESSMEN IN STATES EVERY WEEKDAY WITH PHONE CALLS, TO GET H.R.3892, THE STUDENT LOAN BORROWERS BILL OF RIGHTS, PASSED: MONDAY IS STILL ILLINOIS! This is the most comprehensive legislation introduced since 2006 - it could really make a difference to higher ed. , our economy and our whole culture!!! For updates everyday, visit us here @ ReformStudentLoansNOW.weebly OR ON FB @ https://facebook/reformstudentloansnow OR ON FB @ StudentLoanJustice.org on FB OR @ StopSallieMae.weebly Id really like you to read Defusing the Student Loan Debt Time Bomb, by Danielle Butler. This should put you in just the right mood to help get this bill passed! YOU CAN TELL HOW THE BILL AFFECTS YOU OR OTHER BORROWERS, OR JUST SAY YOU SUPPORT THE BILL AND ASK THEM TO CONSIDER CO-SPONSORING IT! If they ask for your zip code, tell them that although you are not a constituent, there are plenty of student loan borrowers in their area that will be greatly affected by this legislation. We need to return the standard consumer protections, that all other loans have, to student loans - we just want fairness - not a handout! Bankruptcy, statute of limitations, no garnishment of SS, SSI, SSDI, VA disability, wages (without court order), disaster relief payments; denial of security clearances; stripping of professional licenses (Dr., Atty., Realtor, etc); IRS taxing loans that have been forgiven or discharged (thats me!); reasonable and flexible repayment options;discrimination thru adverse credit history; access to transcripts; effective loan cancellation for public service; extension of loan cancellation for borrowers in public service for 5 years. To read the bill, go to https://popvox/bills/us/113/hr3892 - DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT ON POPVOX - THIS BILL HIT NUMBER ONE IN THE POPVOX TOP 20 2 WEEKS AGO GOOD NEWS!!!!!! Mar 10, 2014 -- New Cosponsor H.R. 3892: Student Loan Borrowers’ Bill of Rights Act of 2013 New Cosponsor: Rep. John Tierney [D-MA6] Remember to ask reps to consider co-sponsoring the bill AND ask the Senators to consider a companion bill. FOR MONDAY, WERE STILL IN ILLINOIS: Senator Dick Durbin (D- IL) 202-224-2152 Senator Mark Kirk (R- IL) 202-224-2854 Representative Bobby L. Rush (D - 01) 202-225-4372 Representative Robin Kelly (D - 02) 202-225-0773 Representative Dan Lipinski (D - 03) 202-225-5701 Representative Luis V. Gutierrez (D - 04) 202-225-8203 Representative Mike Quigley (D - 05) 202-225-4061 Representative Peter Roskam (R - 06) 202-225-4561 Representative Danny K. Davis (D - 07) 202-225-5006 Representative Tammy Duckworth (D - 08) 202-225-3711 Representative Janice Schakowsky (D - 09) 202-225-2111 Representative Brad Schneider (D - 10) 202-225-4835 Representative Bill Foster (D - 11) 202-225-3515 Representative William Enyart (D - 12) 202-225-5661 Representative Rodney Davis (R - 13) 202-225-2371 Representative Randy Hultgren (R - 14) 202-225-2976 Representative John Shimkus (R - 15) 202-225-5271 Representative Adam Kinzinger (R - 16) 202-225-3635 Representative Cheri Bustos (D - 17) 202-225-5905 Representative Aaron Schock (R - 18) 202-225-6201 NC VOTERS: May 6: We need WILL STEWART to beat Kay Hagan for the Senate. WILL is actively backing HR 3892 and we need him in Congress. REMEMBER TO SPREAD THE WORD TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW ON THE NET: FB pages, fb groups youre in, fb pages you like, twitter, g+, email, reddit and any other social platforms you belong to! AND PLEASE SIGN THE 4 PETITIONS TOWARDS THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE! YOUR VOICE COUNTS!!!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 12:14:36 +0000

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