3/27/14 The Victorious Life Word For Today: The AUTHORITY - TopicsExpress


3/27/14 The Victorious Life Word For Today: The AUTHORITY And POWER Of The Believer III As A Believer, You Have Authority And Power! Read Matthew 8:28-33: Review Post 3/25, 3/26 In the previous two post, I shared with you, in verses 28-29, that like Jesus, the devil knows who you are, and that you have the AUTHORITY and POWER over him. However, he also knows that, even though you have the AUTHORITY and POWER over him, they are useless against him if you are not walking, talking, and living your life as a Christian ought. He knows if you are really representing Jesus Christ in your life or if you are just perpetrating the Christian life style. In other words, he knows if you are real or just a fake and a fraud, a contender or a pretender, a proclaimer of Jesus Christ in word and deed or a disclaimer of Jesus Christ in word and deed. Well, which one are you? Just something to think about? I pray you are the proclaimer and not the disclaimer! In verse 31, you will see that the demons respected the power Jesus. I say this because in this verse, they asked Jesus permission to be cast into a herd of swine that was passing by, verse 30. Now why do you think they felt the need to ask Jesus permission to come out of the two men they were possessing, to go into the herd of swine? Well, since they knew Jesus came there to cast them out, they didnt want to be just cast out, without anywhere to go. They didnt want to just be cast out into the abyss (Luke 8:31 NIV) The Abyss = a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; a vast chasm. In other words, a complete state of emptiness and nothingness. (Demons need a body or bodies, if they want to stay here on earth, other wise they have no residence, no significance or power) so they needed Jesus permission to go into the herd of swine. Family and friends, I want to point out to you today, that like Jesus, the devil needs your permission to bring havoc and chaos into your life. He first must get permission from God, as he did with Job. See Job chapter one. However, we also give him permission when we are not living our lives in a Christian manner. When we are not attending church on a regular basis, (which is more that just on Easter and Christmas, or for funerals and weddings and baby dedications). When we dont read and study Gods Word on a daily basis, and when we dont attend Bible study or Sunday school and most of all when we are not praying or talking to God on a daily basis. Again when you are not living your life in a real Christian manner, which includes not only, walking, talking and living it, but also, doing these things I just listed. It is through these things our AUTHORITY and POWER are renewed and strengthened, and we are then able to keep our AUTHORITY and POWER over him. When we dont do these things, the AUTHORITY and POWER that is within us, gets weak and even becomes useless, to the point we have no effect on the devil when he comes to cause havoc, chaos and torment in our lives. Family and friends, if you want to keep the devil off your back, which will never happen, because he will always be coming against you (oh yeah, you should be a little nervous if he doesnt, because this usually means your not representing Christ as you should). But to keep him at a distance, you have to do all the things I mentioned and some, which will keep your AUTHORITY and POWER strong and vibrant and powerful! Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 ESV From My Heart To Yours! Have A Blessed And Safe Day! And know this, Jesus Loves You And So Do I. :-)
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:04:52 +0000

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