3/7/2014 11:47 PM You know guys there is allot you state about - TopicsExpress


3/7/2014 11:47 PM You know guys there is allot you state about having gone through this business before that is making some more sense. Currently there is a song playing right now entitled A Little Bit of Life that I remember hearing back in the 1970s. My friends Jerry and Wayne used to sing this song at times, and I had never heard it before. However, I remember they would be singing and laughing word for word as though they were reliving a funny memory between them. Myself, I had never heard it before. Yet found it quite catchy even though I was still in my late teens; and certainly not as seasoned as they. Today, it is all starting to make a little more sense, even though I still have a hard time understanding people and their rationale for discovery and experimentation to the extremes. Especially as it involves other people. My experimentation was based on personal exploration, and 90% of the time did not include others. However, you already know that version. What I stated earlier about the changes that are occurring today, is being brought about I believe in some cases because of reversion and inversion. However, that is too deep a discussion to carry on with you guys, and certainly none of my doing. Because I do not believe in messing with peoples heads, livelihoods and their heart-mind combination. That is pure evil for anyone to do that with another, and might explain why we are all residing in this place called Hell right now. Perhaps too many, one too many times. 3/7/2014 7:59 PM Doug, Grant and Henry, I am going to leave you this final thought for the week. It has to do with elements of a pure state and origin. Any compound or single element that is found to be pure in its natural state is one that scientists want to study. That is their inquisitive nature. Most things we see today are not pure. In morphology (size and shape), characteristics and natural selective properties. In essence, most are byproducts or daughter products of something different altogether. 30-40 years ago, scientists thought the smallest element was the atom. Since then they have discovered there are others that came long before the atom. Yesterday, I was reading an article where some scientists believe everything arose from wimp particles. Higgs Boson is the antithesis of this argument. The Hadron Collider is trying to establish the truthfulness of the Universe; yet much is not being stated with regard to their research. I find that more fascinating than when they do mention something other. A scientist is interested in schematics. Much like the hacker who tries to break into the circuitry of a component, or the burglar that breaks the bank code to the vault; some scientists also are keenly aware that if they ever want to learn or know more about things; they have to understand more than their counterparts. The scientific society is a community, make no mistake about it. Yet not everyone one of them has the best interests of all in their horizon. Certainly, science is important from discovery to implementation; however there are some who like the hacker or thief wants to know the schematics for manipulation. In other words, there are some scientists who have a very dark and nefarious side to their study. Some of which can be discovered as evil in nature and origin. Geneticists (the science of genes) are interested in mapping the genetic spectrum. They help in identifying many things regarding universality in people, and specificity of a particular person. To know the purpose and function of a gene is important to know how some people are pre-disposed to many conditions, and yet others are not. However, there are scientists who desire to know how they can change that single or group of genes. That is the nefarious nature of science, if in the wrong hands. ------------------------- THESE 265 WORDS NOT POSTED BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------- Have a good weekend gentlemen.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 05:28:12 +0000

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