3-Day National Dialogue on Pakistan Studies Curriculum held at - TopicsExpress


3-Day National Dialogue on Pakistan Studies Curriculum held at Baragali Pakistan Study Centre University of Peshawar organized a 3-day “National Dialogue on Pakistan Studies Curriculum” at Peshawar University Summer Camp Baragali (District Abbottabad) on 3-5 August 2014. Scholars and delegates from all over the country attended the event. In all, 15 papers were presented which generated lively discussion and question/answer sessions. At the inaugural session, Dr. Fakhr-ul-Islam highlighted objectives and motives behind holding the dialogue. He said that besides other modern scientific, sociological and technological disciplines, Pakistan Studies subject occupies cardinal position in the schemes of studies of all programmes leading to bachelor, master and doctoral degrees. However, its current curriculum is suffereing from certain deficiencies which need to be rectified. The holding of National Dialogue is a step towards that end. In the concluding session, he distributed shields and certificates among the delegates and presenters. Notable among the scholars, who attended the dialogue, were: Dr. Ghulam Qasim Marwat, Dr.Fazlur Rahman, Dr.Arshad Ali, Dr.Hanif Khalil, Dr.Javed Iqbal, Dr.Khan Faqir, Dr.Ghulam Mustafa, Dr.Sultan Mahmood, Dr.Fayaz Ali, Dr.Rashid Ahmad, Dr.Gulam Taqi Bangash, Dr. Babar Shah, Dr.Suhail, Dr.Zahoor, and students of MA and MPhil/PhD of Pakistan 1. We, all the participants of 3-day “National Dialogue on Pakistan Studies Curriculum” organized by Pakistan Study Centre University of Peshawar at Baragali (District Abbottabad) place on record out deepest appreciation for timely initiative taken by Dr. Fakhr-ul-Islam in connection with holding this historic dialogue. The importance of curriculum in a given educational system and nation building cannot be overemphasized. Curricula and nations rise and fall together. It is genuinely hoped that this national dialogue will go a long way in bringing about positive changes in Pakistan Studies curriculum. 2. We call upon federal and provincial governments, Universities and Higher Education Commission to give due considerations to deliberations of this dialogue and take immediate and timely steps towards revisions of Pakistan Studies curriculum. 3. The existing Pakistan Studies curriculum is more than three decades old. Successive changes incorporated in it during the past 34 years were not enough. It should be completely revamped keeping in view ideological foundations, national cohesion, socio- economic prosperity, preservation of national heritage, demands of modern era and honourable place of Pakistan in the community of nations. 4. Curiculum designing and development should not be left at the mercy of few non-professionals and bureaucracy alone. It is need of the hour that all stake holders and professionals should be put on board for performing this important national task. 5. At present, there is lack of coordination among federal and provincial governments, Universities and Higher Education Commission regarding curriculum designing and development. It is recommended that all these agencies devise a mechanism for better understanding and coordination.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:14:54 +0000

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