3-Day Refresh RESULTS!!! If youre looking for a HEALTHY quick - TopicsExpress


3-Day Refresh RESULTS!!! If youre looking for a HEALTHY quick fix...whether it be BEFORE vacation or AFTER vacation, before a big weekend OR b/c your just ready to start FEELING GOOD! ------> THIS is your program! I *thought* (shame on me), that this would make me feel like one of those crash diets (you know one of those that I did before I figured out what healthy was) and I thought that Id be hungry and tired during it and then CRASH when I came off of it b/c my body was missing all this nutrients - and then just BINGE on anything I could get my hands on.... Yea I was SO wrong! Ill be sharing ALL the details in my support group as they go through their Refresh next week ;) BUT I will tell you - I came off of this thing and felt AMAZING!!!!! The name of the program is SPOT ON ----> REFRESHED!!!! I wasnt craving ANYTHING - my body was 100% fully satisfied and had been fueled with all of the nutrients that it needed! I mean - over like 60g of protein A DAY!? No gaining it all right back after this one! When I woke up on day 4 (done with the Refresh) and wasnt hungry, felt lighter, felt awake, felt AMAZING! AND I was down 5lbs! You know me, Im not about the weight but I WAS about that vacation bloat! Guess those extra few days of drinking (even just a little) and those extra few indulgences (including some late night pizza a few times) DID catch up to me! And honestly - I thought I had been really healthy while traveling! Well compared to my past habits, I was....but this Refresh couldnt have shown up on my door step at a more perfect time! Just goes to show you what can happen when you dont truly take care of yourself. And mind you - we worked out just about every day of vacation - just as much as we do at home...so here is proof that abs are ALSO made IN THE KITCHEN!!! A few fun MEL TIPS that I learned along the way (I mean, after all, not only did I do this for myself but... I wanted to know EXACTLY what my group and my future Refreshers were going to be feeling during their 3 days!) : **The Fiber Sweep Shake does NOT do what youre thinking it does ---> its safe to do this cleanse during the week AT work ;) **Day 1 is the hardest (groupies Ill tell you why and coach you through it ;) ). **I felt better after just ONE day - and felt AMAZING by day 3! **Glad it was only 3 days, I like to eat A LOT throughout the day BUT it certainly helped me to realize what my body actually needs to function - portions will be going down in this house! **The things that I missed (which this REALLY surprised me and made me feel like I was on target w/my diet) -------> - Grilled Chicken - had it the very day I was done! It was a b*tch cooking it for the family during my 3 days haha. - Hard boiled eggs - had a few for breakfast the day I was done! - Almond milk - still havent had it - realized that I dont NEED it in my shakes. - Skinny Pop - yup stocked up on it during day 1 (for our after Refresh popcorn party haha) STILL havent opened the bags! Um yall know I would fight my kids for that stuff on a typical day! haha. Honestly, Im not gonna lie, it was a little tough for me, but I needed it - *tough love* . Dont expect to see a change if you dont MAKE one right!? Make yourself a priority. Healthy matters! This will be something that Ill be adding into my routine on a regular basis (every other month Im thinking). I could go on for hours telling you about how great it made me feel (but Ill stop ;) ). The physical results are easy - those speak for themselves. But remember - change starts from the INSIDE. First, decide in your mind that youre going to do it. Then start getting that nutrients into your body. Add in some short workouts ------> and youve just changed your lifestyle to HEALTHY - your welcome
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:43:16 +0000

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