3. EMF Pollution (Electromagnetic Frequency) Everyday we are - TopicsExpress


3. EMF Pollution (Electromagnetic Frequency) Everyday we are BOMBARDED with electromagnetic frequency pollution. There are many things that you wouldnt think have any affect on you, but they do. Every electronic device you may use on a daily basis emits a frequency. These frequencies can travel through almost anything. Including the human body. So where does all this EMF pollution come from? Unfortunately, electromagnetic pollution is all around us. Heres a short list of the main culprits: cell (and other mobile) phones, computers and related equipment, electrical appliances (including TVs), electronic equipment, cell phone masts, radio and TV transmitters, microwave ovens, house-wiring, high and low voltage power lines, information networks, cars, motor cycles, buses, trains, planes. Practically every new invention adds to the pollution. In fact, collectively, weve all been adding to EMF pollution for over 100 years. The rate of increase is rising exponentially. Electromagnetic pollution has now reached the critical level at which it can seriously damage your health. Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation Here are some of the biological changes caused by electromagnetic radiation, as observed and reported in various studies (most recent first): Protein Changes in Skin. Ten women volunteered to participate in a study in which radiation (900mH) from GSM cell phones was applied to them for one hour to simulate a phone call. Scientists then screened their skin cells for any stress reactions. They looked at 580 different proteins and found two which were substantially affected. (One was increased by 89% and the other decreased by 32%). New Scientist February 23, 2008. Excited Brain Cells. Researchers from Fatebenefratelli Hospital in Isola Tiberina,found that the electromagnetic field emitted by cell phones can cause some cells in the brains cortex (adjacent to the side of phone use) to become excited for about an hour, while others become inhibited. Health24 - June 27, 2006. DNA Damage. German research group Verum studied the effect of radiation on human and animal cells. After being exposed to cell phone frequencies the cells showed increased breaks in their DNA. These DNA breaks could not always be repaired by the cells. The damage would therefore be passed on to future cells which could predispose them to becoming cancerous. USA Today December 21, 2004. Brain Cell Damage. A study of the effects of cell phone frequencies (applied at non-thermal intensity) on rat brains showed damage to the neurons (brain cells) in various brain parts, including the cortex, hippocampus and basal ganglia. June 2003 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives. Aggressive Growth in Leukemia Cells Researchers at the National Research Council in Bologna, Italy found that Leukemia cells exposed to cell phone frequencies (900mH) for 48 hours replicated more aggressively. New Scientist October 24, 2002. Increased Blood Pressure. Researchers in Germany found that one-time use of a cell phone for 35 minutes could cause an increase in resting blood pressure of between 5 and 10mm Hg. Lancet June 20, 1998. Harmful Effects of ElectroMagnetic Radiation Here are some of the pathological (disease producing) effects attributed to electromagnetic radiation and reported in the media (most recent first): Salivary Gland Cancer. An Israeli study reports that people who used cell phones for 22 hours a month or more were 50 percent more likely to develop parotid gland cancer than those who used cell phones infrequently or never. Health24 February 19, 2008. Brain Tumour. An analysis of several previous studies has concluded that cell phone use over 10 years causes an increased risk of acquiring certain types of brain tumour (2.4 times for acoustic neuroma and 2 times for gliomas). News24 October 3, 2007. Lymphatic Cancer and Bone Marrow Cancer. Researchers from the University of Tasmania and the University of Bristol studied records of 850 patients who had been diagnosed with lymphatic
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 10:43:09 +0000

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