#3 HIGHLY CREDENTIALED Bible Answer Man says... YHVH (YHWH) - TopicsExpress


#3 HIGHLY CREDENTIALED Bible Answer Man says... YHVH (YHWH) YAHWAH (YAHWAH) is the name of the ONE GOD revealed in Scripture, the Eternal or Self-Existent ONE !!! Hendrik Hank Hanegraaff also known as the Bible Answer Man American Author, Radio Talk-Show Host Advocate of Evangelical Christianity. President and Chairman of the Board of the North Carolina-based Christian Research Institute International 1:54 to 2:24 of this video >>> Ten Witnesses Of One Name >>> youtu.be/8YNSzu8I43c?list=UUCqes8d_T4YBRxnQWAE4I-A Hank Hanegraaff Hank Hanegraaff serves as president and chairman of the board of the North Carolina-based Christian Research Institute International. He also hosts the Bible Answer Man radio program, which is broadcast daily across the United States and Canada—as well as around the world through the internet at equip.org. Reaching millions weekly through his live call-in radio program, Hank answers questions about Christianity and religion on the basis of the Bible, careful research, and sound reasoning. Additionally, he brings to his listening audience live interviews with Evangelicalism’s most significant leaders, apologists, and thinkers. Hank came to faith in Jesus Christ after examining the scientific evidence for creation, the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, and the cumulative case for the divine inspiration of Scripture. With an uncommon intensity he immediately embarked on a rigorous course of Scripture study and memorization, and by the Lord’s grace and calling his heart ever since has been to equip others to know God in Christ. Hank is the author of several award-winning best-sellers, including The Prayer of Jesus, Christianity in Crisis, and Resurrection, the latter providing a stirring and persuasive defense of the central event in Christianity. Resurrection and Christianity in Crisis both won the Gold Medallion for excellence in Christian Literature awarded by the Evangelical Christian Publisher’s Association. The revised and expanded Christianity in Crisis: 21st Century was released in 2009. Hank’s books Counterfeit Revival and The F-A-C-E that Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution each won the Silver Medallion. The Prayer of Jesus was honored as a top 10 best-selling nonfiction book in both 2001 and 2002 by the Christian Bookseller’s Association, while the small group video presentation “The Prayer of Jesus EZ Lesson Plan” taught by Hank won a Telly Award in 2003. A sequel to The Prayer of Jesus, entitled The Covering, calls Christians to return to the biblical and practical model for spiritual warfare as centered in discipleship and the spiritual disciplines, away from the shallow and dangerous contemporary craze of exorcism and deliverance. Both Resurrection and The F-A-C-E. that Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution have been excerpted and revised under new titles, The Third Day and Fatal Flaws, respectively. These versions join The Prayer of Jesus and The Covering in a series of attractive, concise, and highly accessible meditations on foundational truths impacting all believers today. In 1999 Hank went behind the scenes in The Millennium Bug Debugged to uncover the sloppy journalism and sensationalism that empowered the Y2K hype and other “millennial madness” hysteria. HHHS-310jIn his 2004 release, The Bible Answer Book, Hank took his impromptu answers to the most common questions received on the Bible Answer Man program and chiseled them until only the gem emerges. This work is quintessential Hank. His prayer for The Bible Answer Book has been not only that it equip believers to offer cogent answers, with gentleness and respect, to everyone who asks them to give the reason for the hope that they have in Christ (1 Peter 3:15), but that it be a treasure they share with family and friends. The Bible Answer Book, Volume 2, published in 2006, focuses on the most difficult questions people ask. In 2008, both volumes, along with additional questions and answers, were combined into The Complete Bible Answer Book—Collector’s Edition. And Hank went on to tackle a plethora of questions concerning origins in The Creation Answer Book (2012). The Bible Answer Book, along with many of Hank’s other books, is also available in audio format. Hank uncovers the dangers of both Christian and secular Zionism in his ground-breaking The Apocalypse Code: What the Bible Really Teaches about the End Times and Why It Matters Today (2007) and in his historical fiction series The Last Disciple Trilogy, including the final volume The Last Temple (2012). 2011 marked the release of Has God Spoken? Memorable Proofs of the Bible’s Divine Inspiration, completing Hank’s trilogy on the three great apologetic issues—origins, resurrection, and biblical inspiration. Has God Spoken? joined The F-A-C-E that Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution and Resurrection to provide complete and compelling answers to the most critical issues facing followers of Christ today. Early 2013 signaled the publication of AfterLife: What You Need to Know about Heaven, the Hereafter, and Near-Death Experiences. What and where is heaven? What and where is hell? Do near-death experiences offer evidence of life after death? Do ghosts exist? Hank answers these questions and dozens more in AfterLife. He is a regular contributor to the award-winning Christian Research Journal and a gifted communicator on the pressing issues of our day, having spoken in leading churches, conferences, and on college campuses throughout the world (including the University of Tehran, Iran).
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 06:55:51 +0000

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