3. Heres the pattern we saw repeated during our walk on Pacific - TopicsExpress


3. Heres the pattern we saw repeated during our walk on Pacific Street. Few people on the street, but walking toward us someone in RED. youtu.be/PopWoPkMUTw I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in my videos is a Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I dont know a persons intentions. All I hope to do is to share with you what I see to prompt an investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have experienced 24/7 for 8 years. It is the Democrats and Republicans, our Two Party Corporate Tyranny who are primarily responsible for the continuance of The American Stasi. Our Lawless Gang Stalking Police are allowed to Gang Stalk due to Corrupt Politicians like Jerry Brown – who are more interested in getting campaign contributions from Cops Than Protecting The Civil Liberties of Citizens. Governor Jerry Brown Assures Police Will Continue To GANG STALK Citizens in California https://eff.org/deeplinks/2012/10/governor-browns-vetoes-california-electronic-privacy-protection-again Government Gang Stalking Terrorism continues because politicians like Peter King and Dianne Feinstein who could investigate it, care more about Israel than the chaos their policies have caused in the United States. Why Does Peter King Pretend Abuses of Government Power Don’t Exist? Peter King Does Not Deserve To Be A U.S. Congressman For Refusing To Look Into Outrageous Abuses of Power By Our Intelligence-Industrial Complex like Government Gang Stalking. Tell Peter King To Stop Putting Israel Before The Rights of Americans youtu.be/XHl1JnQoIWQ Government Gang Stalking wouldn’t exist if Senator Dianne Feinstein, Chairperson of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence did her job and provided oversight to our lawless Intelligence-Industrial Complex. The idea that she does not know Government Gang Stalking is going on is ludicrous. Her responsibility lies in acts of omission – what she is not doing to insure Illegal Surveillance, Unremitting Harassment and Shunning are never used against Citizens as a result of the Misuse of Our National Security Apparatus. Our Government has a history of dysfunctional surveillance behavior: “The U.S. Surveillance State Dates Back To The 19th Century” motherjones/politics/2013/07/surveillance-state-nsa-history Let their be one word on every Americans lips – Reform, Reform, Reform our Corrupt Gang Stalking, Civil Liberties’ Abusing Government. TheAmericanReformMovement No Stasi in America! stopgangstalkingpolice It’s impossible TO HAVE OVER 1000 COINCIDENCES! Demand An Investigation Into Government Gang Stalking. youtube/user/bonnieleec
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 07:15:46 +0000

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