3 Important Things to Tell Your Kids (and Yourself) I find I am - TopicsExpress


3 Important Things to Tell Your Kids (and Yourself) I find I am so much better at offering advice to others than to myself. It is always easier to see what is not working in someone else’s life than in our own. So I thought today, under the guise of offering some great advice to our kids, to a friend or even to a work colleague, I would offer some advice to offer to ourselves; wisdom for them is also wisdom for us. So consider sharing this advice with someone – then go to the mirror and share it with yourself: 1. Today is not a dress rehearsal. You don’t get this moment or this day to live over. What matters is right now. Think and choose wisely. Have a vision. Define your values and beliefs; use them to live intentionally, passionately and powerfully each day. You never know how many days you have so love, respect and value today. Each day is precious and each day is a gift. Be grateful for the gift. 2. You own your life. You can and should listen to others, read everything you can and really learn about your world. Then determine of what you hear, what is right for you. You are your life’s owner. You are not only responsible for this life, but you are accountable for it. Your actions matter. Your thoughts and feeling matter. Your impact matters. No one can (or should) live your life for you – that is the greatest thing and most difficult thing about life – you own yours. Don’t follow others when they go in a direction that doesn’t fit you. Don’t let others tell you what to do, believe, or how to live – you decide. Get help until you are ready to decide, but know that it is your voice that must always direct your life. 3. Never determine your value by what other say or think. This may be the toughest. We are each so influenced by friends, family, society, ads, lifestyles, etc. But remember, when you don’t know what your voice says (you don’t know our talents, strengths, passions and values), you will let others speak and decide for you. You will let others tell you who you should be, what you should buy, where you should live, who you should marry, what you should believe. And you determine your value by what they say – DON’T. Just remember that you are already great – as you are. You are valuable not because of what you do, where you live or how much you make. You are valuable because you have amazing abilities that sometimes the world may not appreciate – but that doesn’t mean they are not amazing. Be yourself. Be true to what you feel. Live your best abilities and make your own personal dent in the universe. And don’t check with others to determine if it was enough of a dent – you decide. I look at the people I love and want them to have this advice – to help them have great and happy lives. If I care that much for them, shouldn’t I also care that much for me and could this advice help me? I think so. So, I am off to the mirror to give myself some advice – to remind myself that life really matters and it is up to me to make this happen. Go find your mirror and listen to yourself. by Jay Forte
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 20:26:53 +0000

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