3 LIES THAT BIND US TO GUILT AND SHAME We are all familiar with - TopicsExpress


3 LIES THAT BIND US TO GUILT AND SHAME We are all familiar with the feelings of guilt and shame. They are really bothersome and nagging emotions that don’t go away that easily. When I know I have done something wrong, I cannot sleep nor eat properly. I am not the kind of person who can pretend things are okay when they really aren’t. But surprisingly there are a lot of people who can deny their faults even if they have already been caught red handed. Because of pride, these people live a lie they tell themselves and eventually actually believe. Still, deep inside, guilt and shame exist and consume their sense of morality. Their idea of right and wrong is twisted and soon enough, they can no longer tell one from the other. Here are three lies that bind us to guilt and shame. Recognize them and break away from them while you still can. 1. Guilt Cannot Harm Me When a person is too proud to admit a mistake, they choose to live with the guilt in their hearts. They think that guilt is just a feeling and cannot harm them. But in reality, as long as you have not humbled yourself and admitted your wrong, you will always feel trapped by what you did in the past. Its memory will haunt you every day of your life. Repentance and forgiveness are the only two healing forces that can overpower the guilt of your sin. It is not just the forgiveness of the person you wronged that will free you, but it is the forgiveness you should be able to give yourself that will save you from a life of guilt and shame. 2. Guilt is Your Conscience When we feel guilt and shame, somehow we associate it and think that it is our conscience or your good side kicking in. But guilt is not your conscience. Conscience is the voice inside guiding your judgment so you will know the difference between right and wrong. Guilt is that terrible feeling you get when you do not listen to your conscience. So when you feel guilty, it doesn’t mean that you are a good person. What will make you a good person is to recognize that guilt, know that you need to make things right and take action to fix what you have done. 3. It Is Not All My Fault It is true that it takes two to tango. When a fault has been done, somehow people begin to find alibis and start pointing fingers. No one wants to take full responsibility of their actions. There is always that “They made me do it!” scenario. But remember that no one can make you do something without your consent. If you did something wrong, it is because of a choice you have made. It is true that there are people and events that take place which can lead you to do something wrong. But remember that it is you who chose to do your actions. Take responsibility for whatever offense you have done and know that there is always a consequence for every action.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:37:04 +0000

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