3 Realms As we go through this journey of life we will come - TopicsExpress


3 Realms As we go through this journey of life we will come to realize that there are three different realms, or dimensions or kingdoms. The first is the one we relate to the most. It is the realm of the natural, the realm of the physical, the concrete in which our body as a vessel carries our soul through life. This realm is; how can I put it, 3 dimensional. It is perceived by the 5 senses, sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. All are senses attached to and relating to the body, are the tools that our soul (Psyche) uses to perceive this world. From early man to the age of enlightenment, whether Plato, Aristotle or Einstein it is limited to operating in this realm only. The second realm, or as some call it the second heaven, is the realm outside of the natural. You could say the supernatural. This is the dimension that the soul enters through it’s six sense or intuition. This is the spiritual realm, invisible to the human eye, where everything spiritual goes on. This is the realm where every religion operates and gets it’s origin. This is the realm of Angels & Demons. This realm is quite real, even though we can not see it in with the natural eye. This is the realm where we must enter in by spiritual means. There is an innate desire or curiosity for all humans to see beyond the natural. There is a longing that tells us all that there is more to life than just the natural, the material. There is an imprint on our souls that calls us home to the reality of a body/soul/spirit being that we are. This is why, in every religion, whether Pagan, Spiritism, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, or New Age acknowledges this realm and the reality of it. It is real and they will all agree that there is more. This is the dimension where spiritual warfare goes on. This is the realm where demonic beings are warring to have control over the human or natural realm. This is the realm where angels fight against spiritual wickedness. This is the realm that the battle for your soul is being fought. So many in the natural realm try to control or manipulate these spirit beings, using natural tools, such as chants, religious acts, voodoo, witchcraft and the like to appease or win over the gods. These rituals are powerless and those who try are still under the control of those demonic spirit beings. They will never be controlled by human effort and they will never change their nature of control and destruction, though they may appear to for their end game strategy. This realm is real. You can not control it. To try and manipulate it is not only hopeless, but is very -2- dangerous. The spirit realm is a realm that can not be controlled by the natural realm. It can only be altered by going to a higher realm to obtain authority to govern in the spiritual world. That is the third realm. The third realm. If the first realm is related to the five senses, and the second realm relates to the sixth sense, then the realm that I am about to show you would be considered the seventh sense? At this point, I would like to leave all religions and all human efforts behind, because whether Christian or Pagan, they can not reach into this realm. The human understanding can not even fathom this realm. It is beyond understanding or effort. Because of this, you may not comprehend what I am about to try to explain to you, but keep an open mind and spirit and you may understand the door into this realm, so that you may, like in Tolkien’s books, put on the ring. The third realm is the realm of the Great Spirit, the God of Gods above all other spirit beings and above all other spirits that proclaim themselves to be gods. He is the creator, totally outside of this realm, yet totally intertwined with every part of this realm. He is beyond our understanding in every way. He is light and there is not darkness in Him. He is perfect in every way. He is infinite, where we are finite. When God created man, He made in himself a way to fellowship with His creation, to walk with him and talk with him. Though He was an infinite being, He became a physical being so that He could be with them. It says that God walked with Adam in the garden in the cool of the evening. But, when man chose to be willful and was tempted to do something that would kill his spirit that broke the relationship that they had. No longer could God hang out with us. It was the trickery of the second realm that robbed man of this relationship with God. The leader of the second realm had fallen by trying to claim equality with the third realm and thus used all malice to steal mans privilege of being with God. Though man became separated from God, God had a plan of great love. A plan to win back our spirits and adopt us back into His family and His realm. When you here the term; the kingdom of heaven, this is the third realm. This is where Jesus comes in. This is the thing that is called the great mystery. Jesus, though a human in body, was God the creator, absolutely, totally and complete. He was not just a wise teacher, a prophet or even a lesser god. Jesus was the “I AM” that spoke to Moses. He was the God that appeared in King Nebuchadnez′zar’s furnace. He was -3- the God that wrestled with Jacob, talked with Abraham and walked in the garden with Adam. This is the most important thing I will ever say to you. Jesus is God, above all others. There are none equal in power to Him. Everything is in submission to Him, including all the beings of the second realm. Satan and all his minions are subject to His authority. This is the glory of the third realm. Complete authority over all realms. Cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, walk on water, and forgive our sins and welcome us back into the third realm. As things stand, we are in an epoch that is not totally under His reign. This is the time where man in his freedom has the choice to go beyond the natural and get back their inheritance as children of the light. Eventually, Jesus will return to earth, lock up Satan and his control over us and physically rule the planet earth as it’s rightful king. But for now, the war for your soul goes on. While Jesus awaits His time of reign, He said that He would leave us His Spirit, His manifest presence, so that we would have Him actually living in us. God in us. This was the purpose for His dying on the cross to buy us back, so that we would have the access to the third realm. As we accept His gift, as we repent of our natural rebellion against Him, as we choose to accept the calling to live for His Kingdom and for His purpose, we can also have His authority over the spirit and the natural realm. It is in surrendering our human will to God that we can be filled with the Holy Spirit. If a Christian does not surrender their will, their soul, their life to God and the purpose of His kingdom they can not be baptized in the Holy Spirit. It is when we fight in the second realm without the power or authority of the Holy Spirit or of the third realm, that we walk powerless against the second realm. When you die to yourself and walk in the Spirit, you walk in the third realm, with power and authority over Satan or any or the spirits that cause havoc in the second realm. It is my desire that the real gospel of Jesus Christ is released to you, and that you become baptized, (filled) with the Holy Spirit, so that you will have your seventh sense awakened so that you will hear God, follow God, obey God and walk in His authority and power, so that you may war in the second realm and have victory over spiritual powers and that you may manifest the life of Christ into this world and that you will start to see clearly, the war that is going on and win battles that will set others free to be forgiven of their sins and join you in the heavenlies and worship in the presence of the one God, mighty and true. Jesus is Lord. Chevy 09/2013
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 22:54:47 +0000

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