3 SIGNS YOURE BEING EMOTIONALLY EXPLOITED AT WORK While many people and organisations are great delivering their results at the workplace, you have to be prepared for some unfair practices that you arent even aware of. Contrary to what most think, arguments and conflict arent the issue. And even if you get passed up for promotion, it isnt what makes a company valuable to you. 1. Nobody Talks To You About Career Development. Basically, when you dont have a plan for yourself, others have a plan for you and it wont really have your own interests at heart. Good organizations offer career development choices (though not necessarily promotions) in order to help you find meaning and passion in what you do. This includes mentoring, holding you accountable and help you to expand your capabilities over time. This is win - win as it enables productivity for the organisation and will challenge you to be increasingly valuable for your own future career prospects. Remember: not all people are favored in every organisation, so you need to be clear that finding a good fit is always going to put you ahead. 2. Your Boss Says One Thing To You But Says Another To Others. This is more common than you think. Some bosses are insecure and lack the leadership to manage people without lying through their teeth. Conversely, good bosses and managers will always admit when you have a good idea or when they overlooked something. And instead of laying blame on you, they decide to educate you by teaching you to think even if you did something wrong. 3. Youre Sold Into A Vision You Dont Value. Some people are emotionally blackmailed into believing they must stay in their workplace. The belief that staying will be for the better good and that hard work pays off is absolutely fine, as long as the person leading you isnt just manipulating you for his own purposes. Having clarity of what you value most is extremely important because that helps you decide what you want and if you arent clear about it,maybe its time to seek clarity. Not all organisations have such flaws. And if you are in a good organisation, its always good to recognise it and be thankful. #WorkSavvy
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:46:24 +0000

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