3-STAGES OF ATTRACTION. THE STRESS TEST After the hand - TopicsExpress


3-STAGES OF ATTRACTION. THE STRESS TEST After the hand holding, after the love making, after youve sworn on a stack of bibles so high to love until death the inevitable happens. It never seems to greet us at a time of our choosing nor convenience, but is the most unwelcomed intruder. As a matter of fact it seems to only happen when the rent is past due. Despite your best efforts to be everything to your mate s/he will betray you, they will hurt you, they will disappoint you. Despite how good you look, despite how good you cook, no matter how bad you put it down in the bedroom or even how much you make in the boardroom a major challenge is soon to visit your block and knock on your door. For those who prevail against temptations the attack may manifest as sickness, chronic pain or even death. The point being the neuro cocktails that drove the two of you together are all tapped out. Their work done you are as a glider suddenly cut loose from the tether. You are on your own bearing and subject to the variations of wind. For many this comes quite suddenly, for others the seeds of resentment over some issue long suffered but not communicated begin to grow quickly and break forward. In short, it gets real! Even this didnt take God by surprise. He knew that would happen and allowed it. This is the proving ground and only the emotionally matured, griunded in Christ can survive. Dont get me wrong you can have an open marriage, sacrifice squirrels, worship bephomet to make the millions and make it, but the sure footing of salvation cheaply traded for a lustful gain isnt making it. Here is the awesomeness of marriage. When satan became satan and was thrown/cast out of heaven he was placed in a holding cell awaiting execution. His green mile didnt have bars, no jailer checked on him. Instead as he awaits death there in open view is a being without his great strength of might, speed, thought or cunning. As a matter of fact this being wasnt nearly as beautiful as he is nor capable and had fragile existences. In the midst of all this beings limitations it only craved to be accepted and validated. All that it needed, was love. That being is you. In all his accusations, the enemy said Its too hard to serve God. Every excuse made for why he could no longer follow God had been made. Every challenge as to why the rules of heaven had been declared too unfair and restrictive is met by you. The will of God is that your marriage testifies to His character, for God is love. The highs, the lows and your ability to overcome speak to Him. To the enemy, your continuous triumph reminds him of his own failures. Every kiss, every pregnancy, every tender moment speaks to God. Your successes create the venom that he now attacks you with. But glory be to God marriage is designed to SURVIVE IT ALL. This is your cross that the Lord Jesus commands to pick up and follow Him. The good news is that trouble doesnt last always. The better news is that trials have an expiration date. The absolute best news is that you still have dominion over these trials and can overcome, because God is you can be. Tomorrow the why and reward of enduring.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 12:40:06 +0000

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