3-Swami Chidanandaji was wearing his spectacles and I began the - TopicsExpress


3-Swami Chidanandaji was wearing his spectacles and I began the interview. I asked him whether he was a naughty boy when he was young! He said Yes I was a very naughty boy!! Haha!! So sweet!! I am giving you an extract of the interview below in his own words---- It is beautiful.... Swami Chidanandaji....... (Swamiji had some questions in his mind to Ma and without speaking ,this was his experience----) “Where it came from God only knows. Wherever it came from, it just poured out from Her mouth. I was dumbfounded, as whatever I wanted to ask was all answered. Not a single question remained unanswered, and there was no doubt left in my mind. My vision became clear, and I was spellbound. There is a big college in Puné called Fergusson College. My friend knows the Professor of Philosophy there. He was a member of the Philosophers Association. Even he had some experiences, after which he inquired how long Ma would be staying. He went to Pune and brought about two or three other Professors. They all grilled Ma with so many questions: and went back baffled.” Me: So beautiful! Swamiji: So wonderful! Me: So wonderful! When was your first darshan of Ma? Swamiji: …She hardly for a couple of minutes was alone. There was always someone coming in, always someone asking for Her instructions, and if someone came, She would welcome people, and give them asanas to sit on. In practicality, Ma was so perfect and precise. She wasn’t present, and yet She was. More than we were. Right? Me: Right! Swamiji: You see, actually it is an inexpressible lila (play) of Ma. She was only on one level of consciousness. She was not on many levels of consciousness at all. And that level of consciousness is a translation amidst the transcendental realm of Parat Parabrahma consciousness. Where there is no duality. Where there is no name, no form. No place, no time. She was always in that parat para shuddh brahma chaitanya (transcendental, supreme, pure Brahma consciousness). Me: Who do you think is Ma? Swamiji: Ma…? Me: Who do you think is Ma? According to you? Who is MA? Swamiji: …Ma was a spiritual phenomenon. Abhoot purva ek yuga vibhooti (unique manifestation of the era). A phenomenon. I don’t know if it can be described in Hindi, … (…talking of Ma’s birth) …this is all nothing. With full self knowledge She incarnated into human form. She didn’t take birth. She materialised into human form. And the very first day, the day of birth, till the very end, She remained in the same consciousness. Her physical form changed with age, this and that, the history of the body is a different matter; but She had nothing to do with it. She was one with all creation and She often used to say “Baba nothing has happened: what was, still is, and will remain the same!” So Ma, She was timeless! Time had no meaning for Her. What was, is, and will be. Anadi, Ananta, Shuddh Chaitanya Swarupa (manifestation of pure consciousness that has no beginning and is eternal) was an element. And only once…Ma…on the eve of the first day of Sanyam Saptah and on the day after the Sanyam on the day of the bhandara all Mandaleshwars (a title given to scholar-sannyasi’s) from all temples and maths in Haridwar would come. There was an ashram called jagadguru ashram from which a mandaleshwar named Swami Prakashananda, a very outspoken man came. He used to repeatedly annoy Ma. “Ma, now tell me who you are?!” Ma used to avoid answering saying “Ask them, ask them, there are plenty of scholars sitting around, ask them!” “No, no, no, I will not be answered by anybody else, I want to here from you” She kept on avoiding. One time he was very forceful. Very forceful. I don’t know where the spontaneous outburst came from but she said ( “Why are you repeatedly asking the same question?! This Purna Brahma Narayan! (Absolute, ultimate Reality, Narayan) Purna Brahma Narayan!” That was the only time. She never said it again. And it silenced him too, after this incident, he never asked her this question. And…there was a strange (mysterious?) relationship between this body (talking of himself) and Ma. Before she said anything, I knew that this is what Ma is. Not in the same words, not Purna Brahma Narayan, but as Anadi, Ananta, Desh Kaal Rahit, Adi Anta Rahit (that which has no beginning, that which has no end, the One who has transcended over time and space, and above beginning and end) is a light of consciousness. A light of Shuddh Chaitanya (pure consciousness). A luminous mass of dazzling Bliss Consciousness. That is Her. I have always been aware of that. I would do Sashtang Namaskar with my hands like this, regardless of where we were. Even on a railway Station Platform! She came to Haridwar once and she was just climbing into the car when I got there, (and in gestures indicates that he did his Dandavat Namaskar) in the mud. “Look, look,” that’s what she used to say. “Look, look, Baba, get up, get up, what are you doing what are you doing?!” and I would say “nothing Ma, nothing, just seeking your blessings.” She would say it to people around her “Look, look, what is Baba doing?!” I then asked him What do you think is Ma? He raised his hands upwards and said Absolute Truth!! Then I asked him Swamiji, tell me, after meeting Ma do we have to come back?! He said Now this you have to ask Ma!!Haha ha!! All the effort I went through to get this interview from him was worth it. His attendent at one point noticed in the camera monitor that there was a glare on Swamijis face due to his spectacles. He with sign language was telling me- I knew but could not stop the interview and at this point Swamiji was talking to some girls on the extreme left of the hall and I was on the extreme right. He could not see his sevak signalling to me. Suddenly whilst talking he removed his glasses as if nothing had happened!!! His sevak and I looked at each other and smiled!! Of course he knew!! Very beautiful Mahatma indeed! Jai Ma.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 00:06:19 +0000

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