3 Things To Do Before You Quit Your Job Do you wake up thinking of - TopicsExpress


3 Things To Do Before You Quit Your Job Do you wake up thinking of a new job or you are fraught with worry that you’ll be handed the pink slip soon? These 3 tips will help you with a better approach to your career. 1. Make a list of all your achievements. Focus your profile on achievements and areas of expertise rather than on responsibilities. Many times, people find it so easy to place more emphasis on the various tasks they carried out in previous jobs than on the outstanding things they did on the job. It might be even harder to remember details like rate of traction to the company website while you work there as the campaign manager. To ensure you have something to pitch to employers, do a daily checklist of the goals you accomplished and keep a record of all your achievements, explain them in detail. This will keep you in good shape for better opportunities. What if you have already left your job? Don’t panic. Make a list of all outstanding things you did on your previous job. Ask ex-colleagues to help out with some information on your performance before your exit. Skip details you are not clear or certain on; it’s better to leave them out than have to make potential employers think you embellished your resume (even if it was unintentional). 2. Make yourself a portfolio. A well arranged portfolio can show your achievements better than a verbal explanations of them, you strengthen your point with a portfolio showing your previous jobs; this proves your expertise in the role you are applying to fill.. It could be an important project you were part of, especially something that flaunts your abilities to give potential employers a good impression of you. Make your portfolio as rich and detailed as possible, because you can never know what position you will have in a few years. 3. Get referrals. Go to lunch or get a drink with a colleague or potential referral; someone who can conveniently recommend you when you need it. You don’t necessarily have to talk about work and business, the essence of any network is the bond you build, every other thing falls in place. And one last advice. Do not give yourself a french leave or abruptly stop work in the wake of any crisis – real or perceived. That’s not a good way to surprise your employers, no matter how bad your job is, a decent exit that’ll keep you on good terms with your colleagues and bosses remains primal. Do not burn bridges because you never know..
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 18:31:15 +0000

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