3 WAYS TO TRACK WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE GETTING RESULTS WITH YOUR FITNESS! These three ways to tracking your results will keep you motivated and moving while completely transforming and evolving your life! You probably only track your results by what the scale says. Which can be frustrating and discouraging. Instead of letting that stupid number determine the mood your in the rest of the day, start using these three methods to track instead. 1. DO YOU SEE CHANGES PHYSICALLY Yes, the scale is a helpful number, but it is only part of the equation. Take circumference measurements or have your body fat percentage tested weekly. This will tell you the whole story on what it is that you are losing or gaining. If you are gaining lean mass, you cant always expect your scale to go down, that just doesnt make sense! If you are seeing changes in your changes in your circumference measurements youre probably on the right track. 2. DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER? Does your program make you feel better? If you are on a program and you dont feel better than you did before, then there is probably something wrong with your program wether its in the nutrition or workouts. If it does make you feel better than before and even if you arent seeing any physical results, does it really makes sense to go back to eating poorly or not working out? Stopping, just wouldnt make sense, simply because you feel better now than you did before. 3. CAN YOU BE CONSISTENT WITH IT? Any program that is unrealistic for you, isnt something that will benefit you in the long run. If your diet is so extreme that you cant be consistent with it on a daily basis, you will probably fail and become more discouraged than when you started. Being consistent is a huge part in creating a long term healthy lifestyle. If you are going to extreme right now, I would say to dial it back and find what you can keep and start from where you are. Overtime these results add up to be massive lifestyle changes! They will not only help get you the body youve always wanted, but they will completely change your lifestyle! Dont throw your scale at the wall just yet. Track your results and youll enjoy your journey much more! #PACKEVOLUTION #FIT4EVOLUTION Love You All, Matt Johnson, Leader Of The Pack
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:17:13 +0000

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