3 Ways to Make a Healing Mash for Dogs with Diarrhea & Gas If you - TopicsExpress


3 Ways to Make a Healing Mash for Dogs with Diarrhea & Gas If you own a dog at some point you are going to deal with stomach upset. When this happens to me, and anything serious (like an obstruction) is a ruled out, I do three things. First, I pull their food for 12-24 hours. It allows their system to “reset” and have a break. It also lessens the chance that they will vomit/have diarrhea. I make sure they are still drinking water (dehydration is a big concern with stomach upset) and check frequently to make sure their gums are still nice and pink-pale gums can be a sign of dehydration. Finally, I make up some sort of bland food to give them until they’ve recovered from whatever it is they got in to. There are a number of different combinations you can try, but the ingredients are the same. 3 Ways to Make a Healing Mash for Dogs- works wonders if your dog has diarrhea, gas or an upset stomach. Ingredients: 100% canned pumpkin, white rice, plain yogurt, and plain boiled chicken. Why canned pumpkin: This is NOT the equivalent of pumpkin pie filling! We’re talking only pureed canned pumpkin here, nothing else added. It can help with diarrhea and will firm up soft/loose stool thanks to its high fiber content. Why white rice: White rice is as bland as it gets, and it is also a source of soluble fiber. It absorbs water as it passes through the GI track, which will help harden stool and add bulk. Why yogurt: Make sure that you have non-fat/low-fat PLAIN (not vanilla) live culture yogurt. Thanks to its natural probiotics, it can help restore the balance to your dog’s gut and get all the good bacteria thriving. This is particularly useful with gas. Why plain boiled chicken: Boiled chicken, with no salt or anything added, can add a little substance to your dog’s diet if they are ready for it. It’s a good protein source, and very bland. 1. The Plain Mash This is a good basic mash for dogs that turn up their nose at canned pumpkin or yogurt. Make sure the chicken is plain and that you just boil it. The added water makes this easy to eat and has the added bonus of getting some much needed fluid into your pups system. I have used this to great success with a number of my fosters and my own dogs as well. You will need… -boiled chicken, shredded -white rice -1/2 cup or so of warm water chicken and rice for dogs Directions Boil chicken and cook white rice. Shred the chicken into the cooked white rice, and add roughly ½ cup of warm water. Mix thoroughly, and feed to your dog in place of its usual meals. You can also feed this in smaller quantities throughout the day which can be easier for their gut to handle. In terms of amount, adjust based on your dog’s size. My 70 pound boxer gets about 1 cup of white rice with a ‘handful’ of shredded chicken and ½ cup of warm wateR. the plain mash 2. The Sweet Mash For milder cases of soft stool, this tasty mash can help solidify things thanks to the pumpkin, while ensuring the balance of bacteria gets back on track with the yogurt. You will need… -2 tablespoons plain live cultured yogurt -1/4 can canned pureed pumpkin, no additives pumpkin and yogurt Directions Mix up 2 tablespoons of plain live cultured yogurt with ¼ can pureed pumpkin (again, pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling.) Feed this in place of a regular meal, slowly introducing regular food over the course of several days. the sweet mash 3. Mish-Mash Mash This is pretty much all the ingredients mashed into one! I suggest breaking the ingredients into simpler recipes first but if you (or your dog) are feeling up to a meal that involves more than just a few ingredients, this is a good one to try. You will need… -¼-1/2 cup 100% Canned Pumpkin -½ cup white rice -1-2 tablespoons unflavored plain live culture yogurt -Plain boiled chicken, no salt -¼ cup warm water Directions Boil a chicken and cook up ½ cup of white rice-I usually just cook large batches and keep the extra rice on hand in the refrigerator. Thoroughly mix ¼ cup of canned pumpkin and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt into the rice, and then add about ¼ -1/2 cup chicken, torn into bits. Keep any extra chicken for the next few meals, and feed your mish-mash in place of regular meals until your dog’s tummy is back on track. Please note: The amount of ingredients in these really are general-it will completely depend on the size of your pup. A yorkie will take less than a great dane and vice versa. Stick to the general ratios (or trust your eye,) it’s not an exact science. When your dog starts to feel a little punky and has a bit of gas/diarrhea/vomiting it’s usually nothing to be alarmed about, and after ruling out anything serious, can be remedied with nothing more than a little break for the GI system and some mild meals. Do keep in mind that if your pup can’t keep down water a trip to the vet is often necessary to get fluids a.s.a.p., and that every dog will react differently. While these may work wonders for some dogs, if yours has an allergy to one of the foods, this won’t do a whole lot of good! All that being said, personal experience has taught me that these recipes can save your dog from tummy troubles (and save your carpets from a heck of a lot of nasty dog stains too.) everydayroots/healing-mash-for-dogs
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 17:27:11 +0000

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