3 Ways to Radically Boost your Confidence – Mindset Monday - TopicsExpress


3 Ways to Radically Boost your Confidence – Mindset Monday Confidence is an important issue that all of us are facing. It’s the key to unlocking opportunities in this world with our own potentials. But the absence of which could also affect us since we don’t have a lifetime to hide under our shells. Internally, the best way to deal with lack of confidence is to go back to our mindsets. Think about how ‘we are not separated from the whole’. While all of us are bounded with different problems and experiences, we live in a common world that links all of us together. We are somehow connected in a world that continually subjects us to things that make us feel like we are alone. But if we acknowledge the opposite, we will not feel that we are facing our problems alone, that this world is too big for us, and that to fight against our In today’s Mindset Monday, we will give you three steps so that you can radically boost your confidence: 1. Mental Recall Think about those times when you felt so proud of yourself. Put that in your mind. Recreate a situation in the past when you felt so confident. Think about how it feels. Remember every detail that you could remember. And then enter into that confidence bubble. Maybe, you can anchor your thoughts into that memory and feel confident. Step back, and bring in that big feeling of joy when you felt good about yourself and you’re not holding back. And maybe, you can let go of those doubts, fears and insecurities and start revealing yourself into a new confident you! 2. Lean Into The Fear of Not Being Confident It pays off to constantly challenge yourself, and obviously, staying within your comfort zone won’t do you any good in the long-term. So think about going beyond what you already know, and start learning new things that will challenge you, so much so that you can tell yourself in the end that, “Hey, I can do this!” 3. Change Your Physiology Posture, Head Up, Eye Contact. These three can tell us about how confident we are. So instead of caving in to our usual ways, why not try elevating our posture and maintain an eye contact? These are just some of the signs of a confident person. And when we slowly practice them day by day, we will get to a point of being confident. When we see a confident person, he or she radiates this positive energy of genuineness. It’s all about being honest to ourselves and becoming self-confident Bonus Tip: Stop Thinking About Yourself The most impactful moments of our lives are those that are beyond ourselves. It doesn’t always have to revolve around what benefits us, or what can best feed our self-esteem. One of the best ways to feel confident is to feel that we are in a community that accepts us for our true selves. And therefore, we should return that with the favour of touching on other people’s lives Ask yourself, “Who am I impacting?” And gradually, your life will begin to shift to a “give-centric” life. Confidence is an important factor in our lives. When we hold back, we lose a lot of opportunities that we may only regret about when we grow old. We have all the time now to be true to ourselves and live a life with confidence. We don’t have a lifetime to live under the shadows of doubts, fears and insecurities. Our role is to accept ourselves and be confident about what we’re doing. Have a great week ahead! https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wl8zPw8u4hg
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 07:48:35 +0000

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