3.) Who were those who had a proper view of the prophet? Why did - TopicsExpress


3.) Who were those who had a proper view of the prophet? Why did they have a proper view? What is the significance of the Quranic references to the attitudes of the opponents of the prophets with such adjectives as blind, arrogant, haughty, guilty, transgressors, mischief-makers, etc.? ANS. -Those who had a proper view of the prophet are called Believers. What distinguishes the Believer from the opponents of the prophet? The answer lies in the review of the Quranic descriptions of the attitudes of the opponents. What is the relationship of arrogance haughtiness, to blindness? Noahs people are called blind. What attitude did they possess that rendered them blind? Here is an excerpt from THE WILL OF GOD (PART 1) to guide analysis of the attitude of the opponents: Attitude is the manner, the disposition, the feeling, the position, with which we regard a thing. It is a tendency or orientation, especially of the Mind. Think of these words. It is a tendency or orientation of the Mind. In fact, Attitude can give you -- or damage --- your ability to perceive reality... Vanity is excessive pride in ones appearance, ones qualities, ones abilities and ones achievements. It is Conceit. Vanity can lead to Arrogance. And of course, anything that is done with the spirit of conceit lacks real value. Pride is a high or inordinate opinion of ones own dignity, importance, merit or superiority ... we become Blinded by Pride, to the Will of God. In the discussion, we want to bring out the fact that arrogance, pride, haughtiness, etc. are states of mind which lead to blindness, or the inability to see the truth of the message the prophet brings from Allah (God). Since Arrogance led the opponents of the prophets to blindness and resulted in their becoming transgressors and mischief-makers, the converse is true. That is, the Attitude of those who had a proper view, the Believers, had to be the opposite of Pride, which is Humility. The Holy Quran teaches that you will know the -righteous; they walk the earth in Humbleness. Another excerpt from THE WILL OF GOD: ... So Humility is the state of mind that each one of us must be in, in order for God to continue His Plan of exaltation for any of us ... Jesus said, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Now, no man that is poor is blessed. I want you to get out of it, that your poverty is a blessing...But God is going to give you someone that will give you all that you have been deprived of that has made you poor... The poor man is humble; he is open to a message, a word of hope, for he is searching for the light to bring him up out of his condition. He is receptive to the prophet or messenger. He is joyful to hear the message. Jesus said come as a little child. The child is open to be taught, open to instruction, open to correction. The child knows he is vulnerable and in need and is happy to receive guidance and help. A definition of humble: Lowly in condition; unpretending; submissive, meek.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:11:57 +0000

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