3 bands initially influenced my wanting to create music. - TopicsExpress


3 bands initially influenced my wanting to create music. 1. Korn 2. The Prodigy 3. Aphex Twin All music has inspired me, From motown, to blues, jazz, punk, prog rock, rap, techno, dnb, industrial, metal. etc But I wanted to take the emotional and personal experiences like Jonathan Davis Official s lyics and put them over a blend of dark odd electronic music. So in 1998 I started teaching myself piano, then bass, and guitar Got into producing electronic music and my first DAW in 1999 on playstation. Music Generator. Got a pc shortly after and started using vsts and midi controllers. Pretended to be a industrial artist because it was trendy and found a gimmick. Made a name for myself even got as far as going on tour with a internationally known band. But i was lying to myself and everyone else. Now its 2014 and I have thrown away all limitations. No longer catering to any one specific style or sound. And its already more gratifying. I know my music will never be accepted or appreciated on any large scale, never reach a millions+ hits on youtube or anything but goddamnit Its me and I love it. And I know a handfull of listeners that keep urging me to not stop and actively ask me what I have been brewing in my evil lab. And I am extremely thankful for each one of you. And hope you can help spread my art to other like minded individuals. I wish I could just sit and create music all day and have it pay my bills so I could continue to evolve what talent I have. So much time wasted on a job thats completely un inspiring. But without the sour, how would I ever be able to appreciate the sweet. -end of line-
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:35:52 +0000

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