3 days to go until the refurendum....if you have an issue with - TopicsExpress


3 days to go until the refurendum....if you have an issue with reading this then DELETE ME, seriously were clearly not like minded. Noones claiming to be a politian and noones ramming their opinons down peoples throats!! Theres absolutely nothing wrong with a debate and putting forward your personal opinion!! There is however something wrong with your head if you think that such an importiant topic shouldnt be discussed at great lengths this close to a such an importiant day! Because the usual facebook patter is so much more importiant eh!! Pfft this is the most exciting facebook has been in ages!!! This isnt a personal attack at anyone in particular either but I have seen more statuses complainig about this as of late. Anyways.... CURRENCY UNION: It has been said on numerous occasions, even from the mouth of alistair darling, we CAN use the pound, nothing can stop us. Does anyone seriously think the government would leave that giant debt to the rest of the UK without our support just to spite us?! ISLE OF MAN, GUERNSEY, FALKLAND ISLANDS, GIBRALTAR AND JERSEY all use the pound! Dont be fooled by the bitter together. They will say anything to ensure the protection of the union, however on D-day its guaranteed they will accept the currency union. Apart from the fact they cant stop us, not doing so would be cutting off their nose just to spite their face, in other words westminster would be happy to put a greater debt on the rest of the UK just to spite the Scots? Who wants to be governed by people like that?! Its ALL about money for them!! WAKE UP!! #VOTEYES!!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:54:52 +0000

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