3 hrs UNIFIED FRACTAL HOLOGRAPHY : Beautiful questions my - TopicsExpress


3 hrs UNIFIED FRACTAL HOLOGRAPHY : Beautiful questions my friends, thank you for accompanying me on this illusory quest. A simple metaphoric answer: I lay down the other night and could feel the music playing into my vibration in streaming waves (speakers situated at my crown chakra) wave streams coursing down through my being. I therefore suggest that a well positioned speaker of the right size at the crown chakra will have enormous effects over the whole being... It seems like the impact would also be logically amplified if there were speakers at the bubbling spring/kidney 1 points as well. They would need to be in phase or in sync or maybe slightly out of phase depending on what effect we are intending... but I digress... slightly... Meredith, the main point to Grok is the deep understandings of the differences between FRACTAL (seamless recursive nesting self similarity across scale - Russian doll snakes that eat their own tails) REFRACTION ( light WAVES being lengthened i.e. the information being self similar again but being diversified in a one dimensional way, theres so much going on in refraction that we have all over looked but thats enough for now) REFLECTION... and HOLOGRAPHIC ( a process that involves 2 points of reflection, refraction and multiple levels of subatomic polarisation distubance and freezing of those polarisations or what we see them as: points of view) Its very important to distinguish between fractal and holographic dynamics. To understand each separately and then in combination says a lot about how energy and matter dance into and out of form. The fractal dynamic seems to be the channel by which energy lands or grounds into a stable attractor field/dynamic... The holographic dynamic seems to be the intelligence guiding or informative principle. Together they allow energies refractive, reflective or otherwise transmitted to channel and ground into the form, in a way that that forms stable atractor field is setting up....the morphic field understanding. In a simple view the way water goes down the plug hole is by the snaking (fractal) of molecular alignment. Through spin diminishing its radius various weights and levels of energy of each molecule are centrifugally sorted and ordered... (an informational action) Subsequently this ordering allows a seamless increasing momentum until (in the idealised frame) the highest spin speed and momentum is reached at infinitely small radius... This is how we create matter... but at the same time all the information on the snake-wave-spin continuum is maintained (holographic)... Its just that the radius of curvature that the snake is winding around is diminishing... the train of the snake the number of carriages etc all that info is maintained all the way down to the nanoscopic...However... these are not just metaphors, these are interpenetrating dynamics that are affected by the acoustics of the field dynamics local to the energy or thing. I would use the word object but thats the next point. A hologram lives, has presence and maintains its own integrity by being fed by the substrate of the source field/space time continuum. When we set up a threshold psychologically or physically we create an event horizon around and through which transformation takes place. Any substance or even a field density ( magnetic or heat for example) affects the dynamics around it. Depeneding on the angle of incidence of the energy or thing impacting into, through or around this threshold, the result will be simple reflection, refraction or holographic. The first 2 reflection and refraction are one dimensional transformations... however the holographic resultant is due to what happens to the bifurcation of the half reflection... If the other half reflection (that which is actually transmitted through the half mirror or threshold density) meets another threshold in the proximity of the the first threshold or substance, a second dynamic takes place (2nd dimension) a freezing or memory or holding pattern can be generated depending on the flexibilty of the thing or material. In the case of living things it may be a memory pattern, program oscillation or literal balancing wobble... In the case of a photographic substrate it will be molecular nanoscopic/atomic depolarisation pattern affected by the frequency of the originating impacting light or projectile... The way this embeds into the substrate may in fact be by fractal dynamics... so you might see that at different permutations of fields effects and densities that each dynamic has its niche of operation... yet are simultaneously unified as the one longest wave of the universe which we all surf.This was the strap line of my radio show back in 1991... Few got it back then, but now the swell is up ... So if we pause to deeply reflect into the holographic phenomena of our own creation and thought then we are in a way integrating and aggregating the diversity back into source, which is truly awesome. H.M. (copyright I hold on these concepts because I believe these streams need to be presented in a deeply unified way. When I have created the design physical marketed proof I will sit down and write the deepest vision of it all and how Buddhas net of jewels vibrates with love... )
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:02:29 +0000

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