3 likes (A)re you single? yup (B)est friend? tahlia (C)rush? - TopicsExpress


3 likes (A)re you single? yup (B)est friend? tahlia (C)rush? not saying (D)rink you last had? choc milk (E)asiest person to talk to? jayme (F)avourite song?thank you (G)reatest memory? sandpile with jayme and hope (H)ome town? gingin (I)n love with? cats (J)ealous of? jayme and daniels realationship and tahlia (K)nown longest? mum (L)ast phone call? tahlia (M)iss your last relationship? yeh (N)umber of siblings? 2 (O)ne wish? that i could go back in time and change (P)erson last called? dunno (Q)uestion always asked? are you a lesbian? (R)eason to smile? tahlia (S)omething you love to do? ride me motorbike (T)ime you woke up? 6:45 (U)r favourite colour? rainbow (V)iolent moment? had plenty today (W)orst habit? saying your mum (X)ray before? dont remember (Y)our last hug?seth (Z)odiac sign?gemini
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:59:56 +0000

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