3 reactions and results of Impatience: 1.) youll express - TopicsExpress


3 reactions and results of Impatience: 1.) youll express demands to a pleaser, who will give you exactly what youve demanded... Even if it was not what you wanted (be careful with ultimatums or accusations in demanding repose, more people are dissatisfied by their own demand than by any other causal factor.) 2.) youll express your demands to another demanding person, who will give you nothing of what you want or expect, and will engage even more of your time sardonically tossing ironic circular argumentative prose ack into your expectations to confuse and enrage you (be careful in being demanding and with the expletives of your expectations, many more people are enraged or upset by seeing a mirror image of themselves, where they take pleasure in harassing or haranguing a result they may well incite that exact same result from others as consequence. Being mocked or aped is unnerving for anyone, but mostly more so among those who expect an unreasonable concession for their own actions of like kind. Most people are dissatisfied receiving the same ill treatment they levy on others as a practice) 3.) youll express your demands to those who genuinely do their best for anyone and everyone as a matter of principal. These will do their best regardless of ones abuses towards them, right up until those actions are intolerable and unjustifiable. At which point they will not only welcome the ultimatum they will demand it be followed through on. (Be careful making figures expectations on those who will give you their every effort, as they will tire of this very quickly, its rare to find anyone who will go the extra effort in genuine resolve for others, but these people know youll also put out far more for less results elsewhere. And nothing is more fitting than demanding people finding themselves awash and amid the ramifications of their own demanding actions.) Among these three things we also have a demographic fact. Demanding and impatient people eventually run out of people who will make concessions for them at all. It is important to remember that we seldom engage others to do things for us that we will or even could do for ourselves. Even where this is a practice for compensation, knowing ones own abilities is important, as believing or expressing that someone of lesser capacities could exceed what others are doing, is in itself an adventure into folly. There are many who can step up to a menial task, and few who will, there a a very small number of tradesmen, craftsmen, artisans, who are expressly skilled beyond the norm and perform with regularity amazing feats to exemplary results. Lets face it, we have found ourselves in a world where soulcraft through work or art has somehow become the exception to the norm. Everyone wants it seems to do the bare minimum in output for the base maximum in yield and express themselves in drinks after work, poor familiar relations, and larger demands upon others than theyd expect of themselves. With this becoming the norm of societies expectations of oneself and the promoted idea of success, its no wonder that all attempts to repair the broken situations in our society result in further distancing ourselves form the tradecraft as soulcraft or pride in ones actions which built our society into the worlds largest superpower in all respects. Are we that today? No. Can we be that again? Well thats up to you... Are you ready to make your largest expectations and demands of yourself? Learn humility and respect for the trades and crafts of others? And expect quality by navigating with respect for others and without the unreasonable demands we see too often levied upon others in our society today? We can only expect the best of ourselves. Become that #3 person previously mentioned, instead of the #1 which are enumerated in specific order to what we do experience, and of course to not be that primary demographic engaged with all three in barbaric mental genocide, simply creating problems for the sake of being appeased. Which of course ironically may actually be a trait of all three of the others in result. Be sparse of demands, and even more sparing of demanding people. Make expectation of others the exception of the rule. And yes... You should be able to expect good service provided you expect yourself to be good to others in exchange. But never be impatient... Its simply counterproductive to positive results. Instead be excited, thankful, grateful even... But impatience and expectation in conjunction will create only irritability in yourself and others, so lets just avoid that all together.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 10:50:09 +0000

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