3 votes for B! Admins are welcome to vote, as are other pages! - TopicsExpress


3 votes for B! Admins are welcome to vote, as are other pages! You grind your teeth, trying to remain calm. Youd seen what your mother was capable of, and do not want to anger her. However, she turns to you, brow raised in expectancy. Are you coming, child? That does it. To refer to you as child, when she did not know, had not seen, any part of you. You lose your temper. How dare you call me child? How dare you try to boss me around? How dare you leave me in the dark? Ive lived my whole life without a mother. I thought you were simply not of the Disney realm. But you ARE! And you CHOSE to send me there, and stay behind? Without a word? What did I do? Did you and Dad break up? Is that why you didnt want me? Why is Dad captive? Im sure you have an idea. Why in the holy HELL is the old dude coming with us? you scream in frustration, the windows shaking. The vibrations are lost on you, as you assume it is from the thunder that rolls through the sky. Looking defeated, Gaia sags, her elegant, albeit oddly colored, feet touching ground, flowing hair falling flat against her body, her entire figure exuding her guilt, frustration, fear, and a flurry of other emotions that you cannot interpret. My girl.. she whispers, downcast eyes glancing upwards to meet your own. You step back with the intensity of their gaze. I cannot explain everything here. Yes, I know why Christopher is in danger, but it is a very lengthy tale. There is so much to tell you, so much to confess, but we have not the time. You think I rid myself of you, and I did not. I stayed behind because this world is dying, and needs me. I knew that Disney would fall behind, lands taking very slow damage, but I also knew, that your love for it would sustain it until I returned.. or you matured. I loved you, and still do. But there are much larger matters than just you and I. Now, though, we must focus on your father. I need you to trust me to do that. Please, if you will follow Remus and me, I will explain it all, but first things first.. we must teach you your gift. You sit quiet, absorbing her speech, but at the mention of your gift you reel back, mind working in overdrive to comprehend. Gaia is your mother, and you have a gift? You are only 14 years old, and giddiness replaces the resentment you felt only moments ago, the idea of being extraordinary rallying you to stand. However, you struggle to remain calm, knowing that to help your father, you had to master this, whatever it is. Alright. I will follow. But before anything, I want to know why Dad is in danger. Also... what gift? She smiles at you warily, her hope plain on her face. She reaches out her hand, and you gingerly place yours in her palm. Suddenly, her grasp tightens, and she whispers Hold on. A flash of light, the colors of... well, everything swirling about you like a pre-mixed sherbet shake. A tinkling melody plays, and you become dizzy, the feeling of movement overwhelming. Suddenly, it stops, and you are on solid ground. You sink to the grass, struggling to stop the world. Gaia laughs and kneels beside you. It will pass. she says, her hand soft against your back, offering comfort. After a few moments, you look around. Hey! I know this place! you squeal, jumping to your feet. Jane and Tarzan exit the woods, a smile of recognition on each of their faces. Gaia! they breath with relief, not taking notice of you. A slew of animals follow them as well, mostly gorillas and two elephants that look strangely like Tantor. It has been some time, hasnt it my friends. she replies, moving to embrace them in a tight hug. Finally, Jane looks down. Who is this? she says politely, eying you. This.. is my daughter. your mother replies, and Jane gasps. Without warning, she moves to hug you. You are embraced awkwardly. Tarzan looks at Gaia, shocked. When did this happen? Who? Does she...? Gaia smiles, unabashed. 14 years ago, Christopher Robin is her father, and yes, she has my gift. Jane hugs tighter. Tarzan finally smiles and looks at you, ruffling your long hair. You are confused and a little numb. So, I have a niece. Your gaze shoots to his, then your mothers. I have an uncle? Tarzan is my freakin uncle? He nods, laughing wildly. You didnt think I LEARNED my tree surfing? Or the ability to talk to animals? Good gracious, no! I was born with it! Albeit Im weaker than your mother. Maybe even you. Finally, the idea that you will follow after your mother sinks in. Wait. So I can work with the Earth? Your mother nods again. Yes, dear. We will see how strong you are. But it is tiresome work, especially when you have never done it before. Jane, dear, could she sleep here for the night? Do you a) protest? or b) go to rest willingly? Voting ends when I comment! Also, comment here for whomever character you want included! (Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars included!) -Melody
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:06:19 +0000

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