30/6/2014. Jay Shri Krishna Death is the only certainty in this - TopicsExpress


30/6/2014. Jay Shri Krishna Death is the only certainty in this uncertain world. But man is not prepared to accept it. What is the most fear for a man? Death. Why? What causes fear? Uncertainty causes the fear. Suppose a soldier has to go for a war. When he has not left the house, he fears the death. But once on the border, before enemies, among frequent firings, his fear of death withers away. One more reason for his becoming fearless is everybody on border faces the same situation of meeting with death. Death for him is certain, only time is in the question. So he becomes totally fearless about the death. He eats, sings, dances, listens radio, plays games, etc. the fear of death is nowhere seen in him. So only uncertainty causes the fear. Certainty wipes away the fear. Yours is the same situation, you are to die, moreover everybody around is dying one by one and the rest are also under the pertinent threat of death. But yet you have not abandoned the fear of the death, why? Your death became certain when you first inhaled. Your life began with inhaling and will come to an end with last exhale. This is eternal truth. Nobody on earth can deny this fact. So question is why man fears the death? Every day you see thousands of people dying. You even went to burry or burn them. But when asked about your death you believe that you might be exception to this unfailing rule. In this self fabricated uncertainty lies the seed of your fear of death. You are not sure about your death. Because you have not accepted the certainty of your death, you have the fear of death. Why you are uncertain about your death? There are two reasons. First you intrinsically know that you are not body and you are the eternal Atman. You also constructively know that only body dies during death and the Atman departs from the body and acquires new body and lives again. This you know unconsciously. Your true stuff knows this. And this is the whole true. The Atman never dies. Only body dies, and you are not body, so you have no reason to believe that you are subject to death. This is the reason that you never accept death as a certainty. This is your unconscious knowledge. The second reason is the gimmick of your mind. Your consciousness, your mind prepares another plan for you. It accepts death as a certainty for everybody else, but pretends that he is out of that unfailing rule. Why? Because once mind accepts it has to die, then it is encumbering on its part to prepare for the voyage. Suppose you are serving in an organization, and your organization is to send five persons for a training in other state. You have no inclination to go for training. You requested your boss to exempt you from the deemed list. The names of four persons are finalized and they completed due preparation also. But you are learnt that your boss will exempt you so you have not made any preparation. But on the eve of departure, your boss took final decision that you have to go for training. When uncertainty was removed, immediately you helter-skelterly started preparing for the voyage. It is customary that if voyage becomes certain, then the man will immediately make due preparations for the travel. Same way if your mind accepts the certainty of death, then it would have to start for the preparation of Moksha. When you intend to go to Satsang, your mind postpones your going on the pretext that death is uncertain, so you must attend urgent work now and going to Satsang can be undertaken later on. This is the reason that you are not taking steps to awake. You don’t accept that you are sleeping. That is why you skip learning Adhyatma. This is why you don’t undertake determined efforts, but only indulge in showing that you are taking steps for your Moksha. But friends nobody can escape the jaws of death. You are dying every moment. Your every moment kills you and puts a scar on your face. Accept the certainty of death, prepare for death gracefully. Your way of dying will determine the quality of your new birth. Death is the only certainty in this uncertain world. May God bless you.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 02:56:26 +0000

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